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FM coach star rating calculator for android phoes

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Or just use this python file:

import math

def fitness(fit,det,dis,mot):

n = 9*fit + 2*(det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/30.0)/2.0

def shotstopping(gk,tac,det,dis,mot):

n = 6*gk + 3*tac + 2*(det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/30.0)/2.0

def handling(gk,tec,det,dis,mot):

n = 6*gk + 3*tec + 2*(det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/30.0)/2.0

def tactical(tac,det,dis,mot):

n = 2*tac + det + dis + mot

return math.ceil((n+1)/10.0)/2.0

def ballcontrol(tec,men,det,dis,mot):

n = 6*tec + 3*men + 2*(det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/30.0)/2.0

def defending(df,tac,det,dis,mot):

n = 8*df + 3*(tac+det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/40.0)/2.0

def attacking(att,tac,det,dis,mot):

n = 6*att + 3*tac + 2*(det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/30.0)/2.0

def shooting(tec,att,det,dis,mot):

n = 6*tec + 3*att + 2*(det+dis+mot)

return math.ceil((n+1)/30.0)/2.0

def calculator(att,df,fit,gk,men,tac,tec,det,dis,mot):

f = fitness(fit,det,dis,mot)

ss = shotstopping(gk,tac,det,dis,mot)

h = handling(gk,tec,det,dis,mot)

t = tactical(tac,det,dis,mot)

bc = ballcontrol(tec,men,det,dis,mot)

d = defending(df,tac,det,dis,mot)

a = attacking(att,tac,det,dis,mot)

s = shooting(tec,att,det,dis,mot)

to_return = 'fitness: ' + str(f) + '\n' + 'shot stopping: ' + str(ss) + '\n' + 'handling: ' + str(h) + '\n' + 'tactical: ' + str(t) + '\n' + 'ball control: ' + str(bc) + '\n' + 'defending: ' + str(d) + '\n' + 'attacking: ' + str(a) + '\n' + 'shooting: ' + str(s)



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