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Not responding during overnight sim

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I keep getting a "NOT RESPONDING" screen when the game is simming overnight activity. The game screen will shrink a bit, grey out a bit, and the NR will appear. I have reinstalled but no luck. Any ideas? The game will continue afterwards, but over night activity is easily 100% longer than EHM07. When I first start the game it will not happen, but after a few over nights it will.

<a  href=EHM%20NR.jpg' alt='EHM%20NR.jpg'>

FYI: I am using TBL 8.1 rosters from Steam and playing on enhanced mode (which I think is the problem).

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it is normal i think. it happend after few nights, because leagues started so the game makes calculations overnight, you just have to wait. this happend to me in Ehm 07 too, so i do not think it is something wrong. game works for me perfect for 5 seasons. if it spend too long, try remove some leagues from playable, it should boost speed of sim.

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