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How to quickly chain the seasons ?

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I come out of a long and difficult season on North Vanarama and my motivation has disappeared in the middle of the second season. Why ? Because it takes me too much time. In parallel, the games I follows on the forums are very fast compared to me.

So, how to play faster ? What are your tips for this to be quick with the results ?

Thanks !

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Well, you can cut down matches to key highlights or goals only (but, of course, it gives you less knowledge about match and options to change tactics correctly). You can holiday a lot or even let match day responsibilities to your assman.

You can filter all your subscriptions - going through your inbox takes a lot of time in game, so choose wisely what is worth your personal attention.

But, if all is said and done - why would you want to do that? I really enjoy spending time on small details. In my Ajax save I've used to win Eredivisie, but I remember once when PSV pretty much clinched the title and I had nothing to play for in the last 5 games. I used this period of time to start building for next season, bring youngsters into squad for last league games and thinking about how to be tactically better next year.

Life is not always high in real life and it shouldn't be in FM as well. Use it as a learning experience and just power through it.

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My first objective : English hero.

Well, in my last save, I was at Boston United and I won the championship in the first season. It took me 50 hours, a good month in real life. My aim is not to win one division but to dominate european football. With my level, I would need at least 15-20 seasons to succeed. Unfortunately, I have not enough time for that...

And to finish, I lost this save, so I have to start over. These are different reasons.

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My first objective : English hero.

Well, in my last save, I was at Boston United and I won the championship in the first season. It took me 50 hours, a good month in real life. My aim is not to win one division but to dominate european football. With my level, I would need at least 15-20 seasons to succeed. Unfortunately, I have not enough time for that...

And to finish, I lost this save, so I have to start over. These are different reasons.

Thing is though, there is plenty of time before 2017 comes along. And you don't need to upgrade to that version.

You can always take a break and play other games when the going gets tough. I usually keep a spreadsheet of my progress, results, scorers, players I'm training and so on, so if I ever do quit a save for a bit, I have all the important information available for when I return.

As for others speeding through, usually they either set it on key highlights, or holiday through. Some people can play very fast, from match to match on higher highlight levels once they've sorted the initial set up, only really 'pausing' for the pre-season rebuilds and whatnot. If everything is going well, there is generally little for people to do, unless you're invested in youth building and scouting in-depth, but those are entirely optional.

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After reading all your answers, it makes me want to continue my games to my speed. It is important for me to understand the context in wich I evolve, to know my team and those of my competitors, to know the league and its surroundings (transfer, statistics...).

Maybe the challenge "English hero" is still a bit too difficult for the novice that I am. So to avoid fatigue, I will manage my favorite team. Thank you !

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I'm not sure how you can spend 50 hours on one season, do you want every game on full match mode and then go through analysis reviewing everything?

1. Streamline your news subscriptions

2. Get into a routine so you don't do needless things

3. Don't reload

4. Once you have confidence in how the tactics system works you're base tactics will be closer to what you want, you'll know what players you need to make them work and won't spend so long tweaking them.

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