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Fast flowing attacking football

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Hi all,

I been searching for a tactic that makes me fall in love with football in the first place. I downloaded various tactics which seems like the way I wanted my team to play but it wasn't that case.

After reading projects/guides from gurus here, I said to myself, "Why not create my own tactic. Because that's the only way I wanted my team to play, not download other's work, plug and play and end up frustrated."

Well, I did try to create a tactic which was inspired by Fenech, but that wasn't how I wanted my team to play. I decided to throw everything I know into the deep blue sea and start creating this with a blank mind, with my vision still there of course.

I will be managing the fallen giants: Manchester United. Maybe Louis van Gaal can have a look at my tactics and have a go. :lol:

What makes me fall in love with football:



1 touch

I will be using 442 which is so Manchester United in the past (Sir Alex Ferguson era).

First day of job.

Assess my players and define who is in my first team.

Cancel all the friendly games and arrange a game against the weakest of opponent every 3 days. This is to boost morale and ensure max fluidity of your tactic before the first league game of the season.

Setup your tactic and make 2 copies so that all 3 slots are used. Why you may ask, this increases the fluidity of your tactic faster.

For training, remove both rest days. For General Training: I set it to Fitness with very high intensity. Match Preparation: Match Tactics with the bar to the extreme left.

Give individual player their training regime. (I will go on this later)

This is how I set-up my formation after assessing my players.


This is not the traditional 442 you see at Old Trafford week in week out during Sir Alex Ferguson's time.

I will explain why the AMR position instead of the MR.

For mentality, it has only got to be Attacking.

Initially I had chose Fluid for my team shape, but I wanted to press opposition as a team, forcing them to make mistakes and we will have the ball nearer to goal. Therefore I decided on Very Fluid as my team will be able to interchange positions.


Tempo: Higher

Manchester United always plays with a brand of fast paced attacking football so the tempo should be high.

Width: Balanced

Yes, you all might say Man Utd always have traditional wingers running up and down the flanks to stretch the defence of opponents. But those players are almost extinct! Well, I did have Valencia but I sold him off. :lol:

After looking at my players, I believe this is the best way to go. They are intelligent enough to go by the flanks if they feel there is a need to do so.

Defensive Line: Normal

I am looking to play a attacking brand of football, which means most of my players are in the opponent half except the 2 CB and probably the DLP. If I push them higher up, 1 ball over the top and a speedy forward he will almost certainly be 1 on 1 with De Gea. I do not want that. Therefore, Normal with Offside Trap.

Closing Down :Much More

As above, most of my players are in the opponent half, I want my players to close them down quickly and hope that the opponent crack under immense pressure, makes a mistake and we can start a counter attack from there.

Prevent Short GK Distribution: To be honest, I haven't seen much with it being toggled on or not. But according to my vision, it should be left on.

Use Tighter Marking: Opponent will be straight into my team faces and we will try to win the ball back as soon as possible.

Play Out Of Defence: I like my team to build up attacks from the back. Of course, there will be occasions of counter attacks where my CB will hoof the ball upfield for my CF to latch on. But mostly, I want them to pass the ball to the playmakers in my team.

Pass Into Space: With players like Mata, Herrera, Schweinsteiger, Schneiderlin and Carrick in my team, I expect them to be able to exploit space created by the running of his teammates.

Passing Directness: Mixed

My players should have varieties in their passing range so that opponent will be confused.

Be More Expressive: If you are constrained, there isn't much you can do. I let my players express themselves on the pitch.

Work Ball Into Box: I don't want the players to try shots 30/40 yards out and waste the possession.

Run at Defence: Moment of magic.

Roam From Positions: I want them to roam around and drag opponent away and there will be space created for my players to pass to.

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Sweeper Keeper Defend

There will be times where my CB went to sleep therefore my GK must be able to rush out and clear any danger.

Attributes to look for: Rushing Out, One on Ones, Reflexes, Anticipation, Agility, Acceleration and the usual GK attributes.

Player Instruction: Distribute to Center Backs, Take Short Kicks

Central Defender Defend

I tried the Vidic-Ferdinand combo which is the Stopper and Cover and find it too risky for my liking. Therefore I settled with 2 Defend roles which will let them stay in line with their partner.

Attributes to look for: Tackling, Heading, Marking, Strength, Jumping reach, Positioning, Anticipation, Bravery, Composure, Concentration, Aggression

Bonus attribute: Passing, Vision, Technique

Why the bonus attribute ?

I want them to be comfortable with the ball at their feet so they can pass the ball to their creative teammates.

Player Instruction: Close Down Much Less, Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Shorter Passing

Player Preferred Move: Stays Back at All Times, Mark Opponent Tightly, Runs With Ball Rarely,

Full Back Attack

Think of it as the Gary Neville and Denis Irwin role. They will bomb up the flanks when required and not neglecting their defending responsibility.

Attributes to look for: Positioning, Anticipation, Marking, Tackling, Passing, Pace, Acceleration, Dribbling, Crossing, Off the ball, Work rate

Player Instruction: Mark Tigher, Tackle Harder, Stay Wider, Run Wide with Ball, Shoot Less Often, Mixed passing, Aim crosses at Far Post

Player Preferred Move: Gets Forward Whenever Possible, Curls Ball, Plays One-Twos, Hug Line, Runs With Ball Often, Runs With Ball Down Left/Right, Knocks Ball Past Opponent(If their dribbling is not that good)

Deep Lying Playmaker Defend

Michael Carrick Role. I guess that perfectly sums up what this role is supposed to do.

Attributes to look for: Passing, Tackling, Composure, Decisions, Concentration, Teamwork, Work rate, Stamina, Anticipation, Positioning, First touch and Vision.

Player Instruction: Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Mixed Passing, Dribble Less

Player Preferred Move: Tries Killer Ball Often, Comes Deep To Get Ball, Curls Ball, Dictate Tempo.

DO NOT LET HIM LEARN: STOP PLAY as it will stop the flow.

Roaming Playmaker Support

Paul Scholes would be perfect for this role. The one who runs up and down like a B2B but with more creativity, can't tackle for hell, gets card every now and then. :lol:

Attributes to look for: Dribbling, Technique, Passing, Tackling, Anticipation, Decisions, Composure, Vision, Work rate, Stamina, Teamwork, First touch, Off the ball, Flair, Long Shot.

Player Instruction: Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Move Into Channels, More Risky Passes.

Player Preferred Move: Tries Killer Ball Often, Runs With Ball Often, Curls Ball, Dictates Tempo, Plays One Twos, Shoots With Power.

Wide Playmaker

This is what I like from Angel Di Maria during his last season at Real Madrid. He was so good there. Too bad he didn't work out well at Man Utd. :(

Attributes to look for: Passing, Vision, Composure, Decisions, Teamwork, Work rate, Stamina, Dribbling, First touch, Anticipation and Positioning.

Player Instruction: Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Get Further Forward, Mixed Passing.

Player Preferred Move: Cuts Inside, Tries Killer Ball Often, Comes Deep To Get Ball, Dictates Tempo, Plays One Twos, Runs With Ball Often, Runs With Ball Through Centre.

Advanced Playmaker

Why the AMR position ?

Because I see Mata playing in this position and he will be good playing a bit forward than the MR position. This role will act between a winger and inside forward.

Attributes to look for: Dribbling, Technique, First touch, Passing, Vision, Anticipation, Decisions, Teamwork, Composure and Flair.

Player Instruction: Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Roam From Position, Mixed Passing.

Player Preferred Move: Cuts Inside, Tries Killer Ball Often, Arrives Late In Opposition Area, Comes Deep To Get Ball, Curls Ball, Dictates Tempo, Plays One Twos, Runs With Ball Often, Runs With Ball Through Centre, Knocks Ball Past Opponent(If dribbling not that good).

Deep Lying Forward

This role will link the midfield and attack. His movement will confuse the opponent.

Attributes to look for: First touch, Dribbling, Finishing, Passing, Decisions, Composure, Technique, Teamwork, Strength and Vision.

Player Instruction: Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Move Into Channels, Roam From Position, Mixed Passing.

Player Preferred Move: Curls Ball, Comes Deep To Get Ball, Tries Killer Ball Often, Plays With Back To Goal.

Complete Forward

The goalscorer of your team. From what I see, it would be like Cristiano Ronaldo. He will act according to situation.

Attributes to look for: First touch, Finishing, Dribbling, Passing, Technique, Composure, Off the ball, Teamwork, Strength, Pace, Acceleration.

Player Instruction: Mark Tighter, Tackle Harder, Mixed Passing.

Player Preferred Move: Runs With Ball Often, Runs With Ball Through Centre, Tries Killer Ball Often, Curls Ball, Plays One Twos, Get Forward Whenever Possible, Get Into Opposition Area, Move into Channels, Likes to beat Offside Trap.

Player Training

Sweeper Keeper – Sweeper Keeper

Central Defenders – Ball Playing Defender

Fullbacks – Full Back

Wide Playmaker – Wide Playmaker

Deep Lying Playmaker – Box-to-Box Midfielder

Roaming Playmaker – Roaming Playmaker

Advanced Playmaker – Advanced Playmaker

Complete Forward – Complete Forward

Deep Lying Forward – Complete Forward

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Who will be your wide playmaker on the left side? Why "very fluid" and "be more expressive"?

It would be Herrera.

He got the attributes to play there.

Very Fluid - I want my team to press as a unit.

Be More Expressive - Let the players to express themselves as I have quite a number of creative players out there.

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I think you've gone too crazy on the instructions, you might as well of selected Overload. Your effectively trying to camp them into there box, but then pass into space and lightening quick but they will probably have lots of bodies in the way so the only space is deep or wide.

You have lots of playmakers looking to receive the ball to there feet. Playing super fast without really having chance to think passes into space you want players making runs to pick the ball up at speed to exploit the space + pace they pick the ball up at.

Very Fluid gives a lot of freedom, telling them to be more expressive on top of that means even your DC's will be doing what they want.

I think you should start simple, watch the game to see how your formation and mentality plays before adding instructions as they might of been playing quick enough anyway. Maybe you want a lower mentality to create some space for your high tempo + pass into space to play into with more runners and less playmakers?

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The Attacking mentality is a very aggressive and high risk mentality. By default, it makes your team play (in defence) with a very high defensive line, lots of closing down and aggressive tackling. In possession, your defenders will look to play it out from the back, attackers will play in a more direct manner, using more width and at a high tempo. It also sets individual players to be very attack minded (with 2 fullbacks given an attack duty, that could leave your flanks exposed).

All of that is set by default.

Now think about all of the Team Instructions you have added on top of those default settings. You have turned a very aggressive tactic into an ultra aggressive one. If that's how you intend to play then great :). You should be in for a lot exciting attacks. You may also find you are in for a few nasty surprises, even against small teams who will just sit back, absorb the pressure and nick a goal on the break - which is ok if you simply outscore them, not ok if you lose.

If you don't intend to be that aggressive, remove those TIs that are increasing your risk. I'd also consider the number of PIs you are using. What are the default roles not giving you that you think warrants so many PIs?

As far as Team Shape goes, it's essentially about creativity and space. The more Fluid the shape, your players get more creativity and they play in a more compact manner (ie., less space between them). The more Structured the shape, they play with less individual creativity and are less compact. You have 4 highly creative players already (4 playmakers), so do you really need everyone else having lots of creativity? See how it plays on the pitch, and adjust either team shape or player roles if you think it looks odd - for example, you may find a BBM instead of the RPM may be better.

One further thought - don't let the AMR/L positions fool you. Using the MR/L positions instead can be every bit as deadly in attack with the added advantage of being stronger in defence. Just because a player may seem better suited to AMR/L doesn't mean he won't nail the MR/L position. Something to bear in mind if you think your right flank is too exposed.

Oh, and I think you may have over done the PPMs a tad :brock:.

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Can't really add anything extra to what Herne79 has already beautifully put.

I'm currently developing a high pressing/quick transistion tactic a la Dortmund under Klopp or Marseille under Bielsa and I am using control with a higher tempo and it is producing some nice one touch direct passing patterns. So might be worth reducing your mentality.

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Can't really add anything extra to what Herne79 has already beautifully put.

I'm currently developing a high pressing/quick transistion tactic a la Dortmund under Klopp or Marseille under Bielsa and I am using control with a higher tempo and it is producing some nice one touch direct passing patterns. So might be worth reducing your mentality.


I will look out for your tactic.

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