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Experimenting with Gas


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Before I get into the story. I'd like to give my reasons for writing this story of my Bristol Rovers save. I'm bored and it's also a great opportunity to give people an insight of my newly focused career on FM16. So that's cleared up let's continue.

The name's Lee, Lee Pendit. My life isn't that great. I'm 22 years old, been out of football for a year now due to a crucial knee ligament damage and yes my playing days are long gone. I don't work as I'm unemployable which is a shame. I go to rehabilitation twice a week. So that's just the basic statistics you'd need to know about me.

It was just the average morning. I wake up, I make a coffee and get a bite to eat. My missus was away to work for her daily 7am to 3pm shift. I usually just sit on the sofa, play a bit of FIFA or watch Sky Sports. However, after losing 6-0 to some kid on FIFA I had to give up my daily high of gaming. I turned on Sky Sports News and read the headline "Billy Clarke sacked as Bristol Rovers' manager" this isn't a surprise considering Bristol Rovers must of went through 5 managers since 2012 but he managed to get them promoted from the Conference League via playoffs last season. Was there a huge disagreement? Who knows?

I thought I'd try my luck and started to upgrade my CV and sent it through the process procedures to apply for the manager vacancy. By the time I was done, my missus came home. Ha! She was in disbelief about me applying for the job, she didn't think I would get the job. Let's face it, I ain't even got a single coaching badge and the highest level of football I played was Sunday league.

So yeah I don't blame her one bit.

One week past, no word. Two weeks past, no word. I gave up any hope I had left of even hearing word back from the chairman Nick Higgs, I don't even care if it was an email or letter to inform me I have not been selected to go further in the process. But however, it did arrive. The exact day of July the 12th.

The letter read;

Dear Mr Lee Pendit.

"I am writing this letter on behalf of Bristol Rovers Football Club to inform you that you have been successfully picked out for an interview regarding the manager vacancy. You are invited to attend the interview at 13:20 at the Memorial Stadium on the 13th July 2015.

Kind regards,

Nick Higgs, Chairman of Bristol Rovers FC"

I couldn't believe it. My missus couldn't believe it. I actually have a chance. A chance to become known in England and my hometown. A guy like me, a guy who has no coaching badges and played at the lowest level of football you can go. Just woah.

I'm not going to bore you with details on how he interview went or before that. I'll keep it short for you.

It went unbelievably well! I got picked. Mr Higgs says I have great enthusiasm and I match his criteria. He offered me the job there and then.

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Two days later, I returned to the Memorial Stadium to visit Nick Higgs for his welcoming brief/meeting. We agreed on having no philosophies, I had a quick look around my backroom staff paperwork, quickly realising. This ain't going to be easy. I only have 5 coaches, zero scouts or physios. My under 18s don't even have a dedicated coach! This is just head frying at the time.

So after reading through the staff paperwork, I decided to go through the squads to have an idea what I have to work with. Guess what? I have got no stand out youth talent coming through my rankings, this shouldn't be happening. It's something I will have to focus on within the next three years. Youth to me is essential. My reserves are fairly limited along with my senior squad.

I placed several adverts out that day for a a head scout, a scout and a physio. Now the waiting begins!

I met the assistant manager that day to have a discussion on reports and various things. I decided to let him control the general training, which I will oversee and overtake once I have calmed down on staff progressing and player progressing.

It's been alright for day 1. Chaotic, stressful and overwhelming are the words to use at the time.

Day 2. Have a look at what formation would suit me best, I'm very limited with composure being a big thing for myself as I want everyone to be calm on the ball. I doubt I see much of that at this level compared to Barcelona. I decided to work with several formations after a hour of thinking. A standard 4-3-3, 4-2-3-1, 4-1-2-2-1. These formations are best suited throughout a game, how I want it plated? That's a good question. But for right now, that'll will do. Pre - season will determine how I will base roles onto the formation.

I went home after day 2. A day fully focused on tactics is stressful but however to make it more stressful, my missus isn't home? What's going on? Usually she's home? I tried to call her, no answer. Text her, "Hey babes, where are you? " no answer. I thought eh she might be at her mother's or she is busy at work. Ten minutes later, I tried again. This time her phone was off.

I'm tired after the days work so I just forgot about making food, or even ordering food. I just slumped into bed.

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I'll skip a week or two, you ovbiously want to jump into the action and so do I. With a very low budget from Nick Higgs, I did try and ask him for more however he stuck with his budget at 25k. I don't have a choice, so I'll stick with it.

I looked at the markets and got myself veteran 33 year old DJ Campbell as a free transfer also signed an average player from West Ham, Adam Nasha for 14k.

Several other signings were made but nothing spectacular. I decided to keep everyone at the club which now leaves me with 52 players throughout all squads. I can work with that.

Pre - season went well, however lost 1-0 to Macclesfield was my poorest result in the preseason run.

I sit in my office most nights thinking of new tactics, how I can gel these players together on the pitch as my missus has started to be argumentive with me. Our relationship has distant itself, my social life is slightly disappearing. This job is taking over me but I enjoy it. I want a taste of victory at a professional level.

The leagues about to start and I will give a quick recap on how things went when I write down a result.

I woken up from my very poor sleep, my missus lying beside me deep in her own sleep. I just glare at her, memorizing the good times we had together, how much she means to me and started to rethink my social life. I silently get out of bed, head downstairs and start my morning routine with a coffee and a slice of toast. It's Saturday, but it's not just any other Saturday. It's debut day for myself! I can be truthful, my hormones are everywhere along with my nerves. I can so easily be sacked and Higgs won't be scared to do it. I sat down at my kitchen table with a file of reports.

The clock strikes 9 o'clock and has it does I'm ready, showered and dancing about with excitement. I gave the missus a quivk kiss as she slept and left for Memorial Stadium.

I spoke to the lads before the game that day, told them of my expectations.

"Today's the day boys, the season begins and a new chapter opens up in our lives. I want us to believe in ourselves. We aren't favourites for this game, we aren't favourites at all except for one thing. We are favourites to get relegated, to be the laughing stock of the league. Now, I don't know about you lot but I want to keep my job here in the football league, I want to keep you all up at this level, or even higher. Now let's avoid relegation this year and take it game by game."

I was quite surprised with the reaction, several boys looked deep in thought. Others smiled. But most importantly none of them ignored me and all agreed with me despite different reactions.

Northampton (H).

0-0. We didn't take our chances, we didn't gel and control the game. It was a slight miss and hit. However first competitive game under myself and a 0-0 draw. I was somewhat happy.

Now my focus is on Tuesday night,1st round of the Capital Cup. A hard fixture and possibly demoralise the squad which I'm afraid of.

Throughout the 2 days before the game on Tuesday, I analysis my squad and the opposition. I finalise my squad and tactics and I'm just waiting patiently for Tuesday night.

QPR (A) Capital One Cup.

L 1-0.

I wanted to defend purely on this game, I'm not too concerned about the cups at this time but I'm concerned for morale. I started with 4-3-3 and told my squad to contain, and hopefully get a break through. I tried to create periods of all out attack for 5 minutes at a time. We controlled possession with 59% but lacked passing accuracy. QPR finished the game up on the 76th minute. One thing I took from the game is that I believe it was the right approach however our lack of creativity was horrible. With only 5 chances all game and 1 on target. I will rectify it.

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Despite the loss to the Championship side, my squad somehow didn't lose morale. I didn't want to be too harsh on the squad, after all the QPR side was playing a full strength squad. The season must go on.

I started to look forward to Saturday to face Yeovil away. I didn't want to use the same tactic I used against QPR as it was too defensive. I focused towards my other favourable tactic 4-1-2-2-1 and started preperations for the Yeovil game as soon as Wednesday morning was upon us.

I sat in my office just focusing on other intentions like certain player's futures here at the Memorial Stadium. Some players haven't even received 5 minutes of game time. Should I give them a chance? They could ruin the squad harmony in the future if I decide not to play them. I received a phone call on Wednesday night from my mother.


"Lee, it's your mum. I just want to know if you'd like some dinner? Jasmine called said you were working late again"

"I'm fine. It's just busy here you know? Listen, I'm wondering. Saturday night we could all go out for a meal or something you know? Me, you, Pops, and Jasmine. What ye think?"

"Yeah son, ill speak to your dad about it. But it does sound wonderful. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you"

It was time to get a social life back I thought to myself. I just smiled as I hung up the phone and set it back on my desk. I focused my attention onto the drawing board. "The midfield is weak, the defence could be strengthened" I said to myself.

Saturday came and it was game day.

Yeovil (A)

D 1-1.

Another draw, it's going to become more and more of a reoccurance. We put Yeovil on the back foot however weren't consistent enough with a goal from Taylor on the 4th minute. Conceding 7th minute.

Not much happened that week except for a lovely meal on the Saturday night. I tried to rebuild my social life and just let my assistant and backroom staff give me suggestions.

Luton (A)

W 7-2.

Yes, what a game. Winning 1-0 at half time, demolished shots, passing accuracy and possession the whole game. 2 leaky conceded goals but it's fine. Performance of the match, Gosling. Came on as a sub 6th minute. Banged 2 goals and 1 assist. Is this the start of winning ways or was it fluke?

I let the boys hit the town that night with Sunday off work. That was a top performance, the board notified me that the fans were over the moon with the result and that they believe in me. Do I believe in myself though?

Something came through my mind, youth. It's a great effect for the future, they are the future Bristol Rovers players. With the youth squad limited and very little talent it may be time to also focus on them. After all majority of my players won't be there within the next 5 years. I will have to gather as much top notch youth developers as I can. Knock in some trials, scout the prospects within Ireland and UK. I want homegrown talent, not foreign. I want to keep a good amount of homegrown to be safe and a lot more cash to come from them in the future.

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Great result against Luton. I'm a bit of a Gashead myself, so I'll be following with interest. Best of luck.

I ain't a supporter of the club I must say aha. It's just very challenging. I have two aims with this save. 1. Achieve as much as I can throughout the save. 2. Focus on the youth, Bristol Rovers lacks youth and youth staff.

I want to try and build Bristol around youth, something similar to Ajax and etc. It's a hard challenge to do but I believe it's possible. However for the first three seasons, I don't think I'd be focused too much on the youth but instead gain promotion to league 1 within 3 years.

I want to revamp the whole club, from staff to players to suit my style. As of yet, I have a lot of miss and matches I believe. Composure and decisions being a use downside as I can gather.

Next story/career update will be tomorrow.

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After Sunday off, I was back to the drawing board. I sat in my office before being informed about the daily backroom staff meeting. I'm getting dick of them honestly. Their inputs are only good for scouting players and individual training programs. If I wanted to make tactical changes I'd make them myself. I can't put a team out in the field with them having no idea how to gel in it. So, thanks backroom staff. You basically waste my time 98% of the time.

Apart from that it was an average week once again, training, organising our squad for the next fixture. Home to Barnet.

Barnet (H)

W 2-1.

Great result, I can't remember much of the game but I do however remember being 1-0 down.

It was a fantastic morale booster for us. Two wins in a row. Scoring 9 goals in 26 games, that's great. However the downside is conceding 3 in 2 games. My defence at this time needs a serious look at along with the stiff stick who just stands in between the posts aha.

I did however visit the backroom staff on tte Monday after the game. For once they became useful. Fabien Brandy was a name that popped up. I usually ignore names sometimes but I felt different about this. 26 years old and versatile in nearly every position and available on a free transfer. Why not scout him eh? Regarding my youth, it's near transfer deadline day. So i best be quick as I don't want to be involved in it.

I'm restraining myself from buying or looking at youth players until January as they all seem to be 18 or older. It ain't something I can invest in just yet with my transfer funds being so low. However I do have my youth facilities building, so that's a head start eh? Just to find quality youth coaches alongside better scouts and senior staff. It'll be another 2-3 years before I expect to receive any promotion and start the youth progress as I feel the team I have now won't make it even in league 1. Not until I can get the players to know eachother and gel properly.

I write ideas down on my notepad every time I get an idea. But the main thin in it at the minute is;

- Push for everything (excluding cups 1st season).

- develop Bristol Rovers into a youth developing club.

Why them notes? I want to build a team who is notoriously good at football, who win trophies. I want Bristol Rovers to develop youth players, have youth players in the senior side. The youth is the future, the youth can raise my club's stature in the world. Not the senior players as they will retire at some point within the next 5-6 years so I need the youth to shine.

My time to complete the following aims? As long as it takes. Bristol Rovers accepted me when I am nothing, if I begin to be somebody then I won't turn my back on them. Loyalty is a main factor in the game, I want the players to know I'm here to stay and hopefully that will help the squads morale remain high.

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Leyton Orient (A)

L 2-1.

Poor display, we got destroyed in every aspect of the game. I want to skip the analysis.

Despite all of this I still believe I'm in a very good position, sitting 5th in league 2. It's still the start of the season but I do believe we as a squad aren't together as a whole yet. Defence is still leaky with our forwards having poor judgement and lack of creativity.

I still ain't settled on a certain tactic with major tweaking going on constantly. This will change though, I feel it. I started the job having a poor idea of how we'll be playing throughout, my players aren't at the standard to play a possession game, we work well however when we play the crossing game. Come Christmas it should all be settled.

I know, I said earlier that my youth will be focused on when I'm established. However one youth stands out, Alfie Kilgore. Not the best of stats however potential to be first team material at 17 years old. I think I may try him out in the Johnston's cup.

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