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Accidentally advanced demo mode too far!

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Hi There,

FM Noob here. After lurking around for a few days here I downloaded the demo yesterday and, whilst it's a very steep learning curve, the first couple of "game weeks" has been really fun.

But today when I fired up the game and loaded my save, I pressed the continue button. Bizarrely, the game didn't go to the usual screen, so pressed "continue" again. I repeated this a couple of times until I realised that I'm meant to press the not-so-obvious "take control" button. The game is now in the middle of August, which is a shame because I had some transfers I was working on and I was still experimenting with the pre-season games.

So I want to start over again, because I don't have a save file that's back-dated far enough.

Does this time that I accidentally advanced eat into my 6 "in-game" month trial? Or can I start this new season, knowing that I'll get the full 6 in-game months to play around with the game, get hooked, and then buy the full version?

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