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Pairs & Cominations templates.

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In the Pairs and Combinations booklet, Llama published five tactics/formations templates, which I found brilliant. I am now assuming that they will not work in FM16 because of the new ME updates. Is there any chance that updated templates can be added for FM 16? I speak as a first class tactics 'idjit'!

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While there are a few ME changes from last year, there is nothing that tears up the basic principles that the article was built upon. Did you have anything specific in mind that you thought would be badly affected by an updated match engine?

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While there are a few ME changes from last year, there is nothing that tears up the basic principles that the article was built upon. Did you have anything specific in mind that you thought would be badly affected by an updated match engine?

Good morning Dr. Hook. I'm not well enough ME literate to be able to pick out specifics. I am just wondering whether I can still use them and they will work. I've read such a lot in the forums about how the ME changes have affected tactic that worked while using FM 15 no longer seem to work in FM 16.

I don't have that problem, my tactics just don't work. Hee! Hee! My problem with my tactics is that I have trouble deciding which team instructions to use. I prefer to be very sparing in their use yet I see lots of tactics with around fifteen team instructions. When I look at those team instructions, even I can see that some of them are obviously self defeating. As an example, using 'look for the overlap' with 'work the ball into the box'. My understanding is that the 'work the ball into the box' restricts overlapping so using both is self defeating and will not help. My main problem is getting my strikers to score regularly.

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Pairs and Combinations, like every guide here, is based on real world concepts and since FM tries to simulate real world tactics and matches, it is still applicable.

Don't overdo it on Team Instructions at first. Add them in if you see you need it.

Work Ball Into Box reduces crosses and long shots only, so it can work with Look For Overlap, although you're reducing crosses when an overlap occurs.

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Thanks for that, HUNT3R. At the present, I'm changing between various TI's but not using more than between 3-7 at any one time. I've since taken to implementing the overlap with work into the box. As a result Origi has scored seven league goals in five games. Onward and upward, what!

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