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I see dead people.....actually, I just see trouble coming

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Playing as Wrexham, League 2. Started last year with what was, on paper, a poor mid-table team. Several hours and much reading on T&T later, I ended up winning the league by an insane distance...helped by some of the best luck I've ever had on the game. About 75% of the way through the season, we had a run of games against teams from 15th and below, all of them struggling. Major complacency issues set in and I had a lot of trouble motivating some of the players...the success had gone to their heads somewhat. We got through that sticky patch and, as I say, won the league and got into League 2. However, there were more indications of future headaches when we got destroyed 3-0 in the Trophy Final, most of my defence just not turning up...rating 6.1-6.7. for the goalie and 4 defenders.

Now in League 2, we're 80-1 outsiders and 'expected to battle bravely against relegation'. And we've picked up almost exactly where we left off, taking 16 of the first 18 points, sitting clear first. So, you might be wondering where I see trouble coming. Believe me, I see a lot of it, and I don't know how to deal with it.

First and foremost, my players are playing way, way better than they should, producing excellent performances almost every match. Only trouble is, a few of them are already becoming complacent or arrogant and not listening to me....my team talks haven't had an effect on most players in the last 2-3 games. That's partially because, as they're doing so well, so far above expectations, all the team talk options are 'Great Performance' or 'I'm Proud of You', 'Congratulations on Proving People Wrong' etc. All pat on the back, well done, etc. Not one option for 'We've got to Guard against Complacency' or 'I Thought you were playing a bit Lazily' or any of the other options which might give my players a bit of a warning. Eventually I can see me losing the dressing room.

And the fans. My second problem is, we're way ahead of schedule...I wanted to be challenging for the Vanarama Conference in 2-3 years, thinking it would take that amount of time to build a decent squad. However, a number of players are playing well above what I would normally expect (28 goals in 52 appearances from a 'competent' Inside Forward who is 'Unconvincing' in attack, for example). That, coupled with our league win last year has made several player fan favourites. However, I know that if we're truly to progress, many of these players will have to go....that particular Inside Forward, for example, only has stamina of 7, and it hasn't budged in a year of specific training. My right back is ok, but doesn't like to get stuck into challenges, which often leaves me exposed on that side. My left back, best DM, that Inside Forward again, plus a few others...none of them 'like big matches', (the left back was the 6.1 in the Trophy and had a part in conceding all 3 goals) so they won't be any good for cups, play-offs etc....we failed to win any of our local derbies in the Conference (4 matches, drew them all) and I'm putting a lot of that down to the number of players I have who 'don't like big matches'. But many of them are 'fan favourites'. I'm already in trouble with the board for not renewing the contract of my 3rd choice attacking right midfielder, who happened to put in some seriously good performances at the end of last season, but the rest of the year was basically useless, and certainly not good enough for League 2. So if I continue building and shaping the squad as I want, I'm going to really annoy the fans and the board, which I can't imagine is good!

So basically, if things carry on the way they are, I'm going to lose my job. Obviously if the current form continues I'll be ok for a good while, but long term I don't see any other outcome. If anyone can advise me how to keep players on their toes when they're already playing, for the most part, like gods and the game doesn't give me the usual anti complacency options, or how to keep fans and the board onside when looking to sell their favourite players, I'll be really, really grateful!

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Well that's the first time I've come across someone who is worried they'll be sacked for doing well ;).

Seriously though, I find it almost inconceivable you'll be sacked for selling favourite players so long as you are being successful. I wouldn't worry about it.

Complacency is another matter. Personally I use assertive team talks - tell my team I expect a win - and use aggressive at half time if we are losing or drawing. But then my in game manager has the personality to be able to do that. You may not. Try mixing your team talks up, players will stop taking notice if you keep repeating yourself. Have a look at your assistant manager's team talk feedback report, that should give you more of an idea of how players react.

However, having said all of that, I think there is one other issue you need to be aware of. Because you are a newly promoted team, it's possible that other teams are currently viewing you as easy pickings and so playing fairly openly against you. That gives your players space to exploit and so you start doing well. Eventually, the other teams will cotton on, realise you are doing well, and start to tighten up. That will reduce the space you have been exploiting which could in turn mean your results start to change. Have you noticed the number of threads that get started by people who complain about the second half of their season being much worse than the start? Or believing the AI has worked out their tactic? That can be the reason - it's got nothing to do with the AI working out tactics (the Ai doesn't do that), it's simply that the AI tightens up against teams that it perceives as doing well.

Now, I'm not saying that is definitely going to happen you. Just keep an eye things, watch matches, look at results, and be prepared to adapt your system if you believe that may be happening.

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I'm so useless at this game this is the first time I've done well herne lol....I ain't used to it! Seriously, I think it's my 8th promotion in 18 years of playing..and three of those were in the same game! I've literally never had a team so almost totally dominant and its the first time I've ever seen the 'pro' of fans really liking a player. I'm even slightly freaked out when I design a tactic trying to create a specific style or type of goal...and I get that exact goal. It's just not how FM usually works for me lol!

Yeah, I see what you're saying....I did use the assistant manager to check feedback, and I have apparently been repeating myself. I think I concentrated too much on the full time talks, rather than the pre match and half time. I'm not sure how my personality is set up in terms of giving team talks, I must admit I didn't put a lot of thought into that side of it....but I'm liked and respected by a lot of players...I think I'm favourite staff for 4 or 5, including my captain, so that might make them more inclined to listen, not sure. I also feel I've got quite a few unprofessional types....a few wins and they think they're Real Madrid! Part of the problem is I often don't seem to have the 'right' team talk available...'Congratulations on a magnificent result' doesn't quite work when said aggressively! But again, I've been concentrating on the post match talk, not the others which are probably far more important.

I appreciate about teams taking me lightly, and am fully expecting things to get a whole lot more 'orrible, though saying that 4 of my first 5 matches were against teams predicted to be in the top ten, including 2 just relegated from League 1 so I fully expected to a really hard match, if not a full on kicking..and we completely dominated both. Like I said I ain't used to success on this game, so haven't really experienced the phenomenon of teams tightening up after a while. For me, it's more a case of I don't know what I'm doing, so I get battered out of pure ignorance and tactical niavety....the current success is very largely down to Lines & Diamonds by THOG. Obviously, I know when results aren't going well, but generally have no idea why...for example that dip in form against lower teams and that disastrous cup match. I had to get advice for the former, of course there was nothing I could do about the latter..though certain players will never play big cup games for me again. It doesn't help that for most of my FM life I've had game destroying crashes after the first season....I've only ever had 3 games go 2 full seasons...no idea why, it stretches over most of the games, and probably four or five different computers, so I ain't used to the whole continuous success thing. I'm still waiting for this one to conk out.

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