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Building a team

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People of SI I need some advice. I am looking to build a team from scratch with predefined characteristics and looking for the best way to deal with this. My football friends have each chosen a character that they want adding to a custom team and it is up to me to build it. Is the best way to do this to use the pre game database editor or am I better off buying the in game editor and changing the details of a lower league team and it's players? Is there anything I need to be mindful of that will come to be a stumbling block or end up saving me a lot of time further down the line?

Thanks in advance for any serious replies.

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Using the pre-game editor is the best option, it has more functionality that the in-game editor & the added bonus of being free.

As you're only editing in players it's highly unlikely that you'll create any stability issues or errors. My tip would be to not enter any rep values for the players as this will force the game to select an appropriate value for the player.

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Using the pre-game editor is the best option, it has more functionality that the in-game editor & the added bonus of being free.

As you're only editing in players it's highly unlikely that you'll create any stability issues or errors. My tip would be to not enter any rep values for the players as this will force the game to select an appropriate value for the player.

Ok great, so you would say to use the pre game database editor, and look for a function that implies inventing a player from scratch, but that if I leave PA and CA values blank, the system will determine an appropriate value for that without mucking up the other abilities? Thanks that's really useful

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Adding players is simple enough in the PGE.

Personally I would not leave the PA/CA values blank as some of the players you create could end up being useless to you.

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That said, you can obviously set all players with a randomised potential within a certain range, therefore keeping the random element but ensuring no wild potentials ruining your game.

Would suggest you check out the editor section of the forum for more info and stickied guides on the editor.


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