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Desperate Manager looking for a successful tactic FMT 16 android version for tablets

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Hey, I really love FM but as 37 year old father of two boys with a full time job , I do not have a lot of time to play my favorite game. As a result , I decided to buy a new high end tablet just to play in my free time (wc , before going to sleep , when they all leave house).

The problem is that I don't enjoy playing FMT 16 at the moment. Ok , I don't say that I am the best manager around . I have used my own tactics , tactics that I have found in this forum that appear to be very successful for others p in full FM (ultimate doom, Bayern's 433 possession tactic, super duper plug and win 12 trembles in a raw tactic. My disappointment is huge. I am in 2020 as manager of Everton, I have bought some of the best players (must buy) in FM 16 and my best season was in 2017 finishing 5th . My team underperforms for sure and I do not know what to do. Resign and delete FMT 16 from my tablet is one of my options. I seriously believe that there is something wrong with the match engine in FMT 16 for android tablets. Is it flawed ? Is the AI difficulty increased or the lack of OI's?

Could someone share a tactic that lead to win trophies in FMT? In fact , did any manage to win trophies in FMT playing with a tablet? Please help a desperate manager?

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I play FMT on the tablet as well as on the PC.

First: the match engine is the same.

Any tactic that is build logically and simple will work.

The easiest would to take some time, if you don't have any then maybe while you're on the toilet or whatever and read through the tactics forum on here. Check out Cleon's Art of... threads. Whether you want to play defensively, counter, possession oriented , or attacking the principles are all there. For attacking there are a lot of threads there as well one by "our" very own RTHerringbone who plays FMT exclusively. There's discussions on 442, 451, 4231 etc. all detailing principles.

Now, I don't claim to be the best manager or even a good one - I struggle myself at times but I have lately been able to create more sussessful tactics. Keep it simple. Think about how your players will move. When you watch the game, pause it in various phases. When you attack, for example, pause, look at the ball carrier and now look at the options. Who can he pass to? Is someone making a threatening run somewhere? Are players where you would have thought they would be? A winger hugging the line ready for a cross? An inside forward cutting inside? Where are the fullbacks? Is your striker isolated or crowded out? What directions are your players facing?

These are things you can look at while playing and really subtle changes make a big difference.

One big thing of the way I play is that I usually play control. And I stick to my style but I watch the game. If I notice the opponent crowds his half too much and is too defensive and the stats collaborate that by showing me too many shots and wasteful ones, then I switch my mentality to counter. With that I usually remove my high line and closing down. I might even change some attack roles to support (check out Cleon's counter attacking thread on that). We will be more patient. We will give the opponent more space to move out, and usually we are able to hit them and get a goal.

But that is just my playstyle. There's hundreds of ways. Look at your team. Think about a formation that will fit and that you like. Stick to it and think about how you want it to work. You need a scorer and creators and support. Keep it simple and don't add too many instructions. FMT doesn't have tactic familiarity. If something doesn't work you can adjust without penalty. Watch at least the beginning of a match. Check what's working and what isn't. If morale is low then schedule a friendly and hammer a no name team 10-0 and you're guys will think they're Barcelona and play with confidence next game.

Just try to enjoy and build something logical.

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