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Font Color


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Could someone tell me how you add an overlay selector to a skin?


Have a look at post 10ish onwards in this thread, should cover it.


http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/414253-Simple-stuff-probably-quot-class-quot-queries-and-other-bits-and-bobs?p=10080982&viewfull=1#post10080982 - should contain the info for the action bar font issue as well.

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For the font colour it is controlled by the xml files within one of the folders located inside: \skins\fm-widgets\graphics\tabs\standard (cannot remember the exact subfolder from the top of my head, but there should be several threads around with the full details in), in the xml files locate the lines that look like this:

<record id="font_spec">

<colour name="secondary"/>


And change the secondary value to the name of the colour you want to use.

The boxes on the inbox screen are controlled by the 'inbox item.xml' file located in the panels folder and are controlled by this code at the bottom of the file:

<container class="plain_box" id="bioc" hidden="true">

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="8" gap="0" />

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1, -1" gap="1" offset="8" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" layout_children="true" inset="8" />

<widget class="client_object_biopic_panel" id="cbi1" abbt="false" file="client object biopic left to right" hidden="true" should_force_refresh="true" row_count="7" />

<widget class="client_object_biopic_panel" id="cbi2" abbt="false" file="client object biopic left to right" hidden="true" should_force_refresh="true" row_count="7" />

From your screenshot it looks like you have changed the content insets of the plain box, so if you change the container class to another box type (subsection or bordered should work) that still includes the header insets then it should adjust them so the box headers no longer overlap with the images.

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Michael thanks for your last help all sorted now.

Looking to see if you can tell me what panel controls this screen.

As you can see I need to move the logos over a bit and change the colour of the font.


Also just out of interest how I get the background picture to show on the tactic paper.

Thanks again

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Yes sorry I was looking at the wrong panel.

If you could help with a few other small problems which are

Which panel do I need to change the font for this bit


Also on this bit I know which panel it is but not sure how to change the colour of the icons as have taken them out but these still show and add in the Virtex bit that has a player icon and a line say something about them like hot prospect or Striker.



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Got the Vitrex bit sorted.

I do not have a team training overview panel to change so not sure which panel is controlling that text.

Also the 2 other points for help where

How to change the icons and how to get the background picture to show on tactics screen.


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I expect it would be controlled by this line from the 'manager departure news content panel.xml' file;

<widget class="text" id="bdtx" auto_size="vertical" font="fonts/inbox_body" size="11" />

If the colour is declared in the font file you can change it their or just remove the font bit and then add a colour="XX" bit if need be.

The bit on the right is controlled by the 'inbox panel.xml' file found in the panels folder, in that file at the top are a list of colour lines for the box and text of each category, you just need to locate the jobs one and change the text or box colour to suit.

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That will controlled by the 'backroom advice.xml' file again looks like you'll have to do the same as above either add a colour bit or remove the fonts bit.

One thing that might save you more problems is to check the skin_config file and in the parent line make sure it says "fm dark" as that should then default various colours to the dark versions (so the text would default to white).

For the header you can disable the recolouring but it will do it for all screens not just that one, you'll need to edit the header.xml, titlebar.xml, titlebar search panel.xml and match titlebar.xml files and in each of them locate the primary, secondary or accent colour codes and change them to the colours you want to use.

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Thanks so far for everyone who has helped with problems I have come up against.

Have found another

Which panel controls the font colour for this?


Also on this panel this there away to make the little icons stand out more?


Thanks again

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First one should be controlled by the 'club affiliated clubs panel.xml' file, with same fix as before.

For the staff icons about the only thing you can really do is recolour them, the icons themselves are controlled by the images located in icons/custom/staff/ however if you resize them the game doesn't increase the space given to each icon so they get cut off as it seems the spacing of them are hardcoded.

If you want to recolour them locate and adjust the following lines in the settings file for your skin (if the lines aren't present just add them):

<colour name="staff overview manager colour" red="117" green="105" blue="152"/>

<colour name="staff overview assistant manager colour" red="73" green="148" blue="111"/>

<colour name="staff overview general coach colour" red="72" green="129" blue="179"/>

<colour name="staff overview fitness coach colour" red="99" green="115" blue="127"/>

<colour name="staff overview goalkeeping coach colour" red="148" green="132" blue="69"/>

<colour name="staff overview head of youth dev colour" red="209" green="94" blue="94"/>

<colour name="staff overview dof colour" red="146" green="157" blue="118"/>

<colour name="staff overview chief scout colour" red="222" green="210" blue="118"/>

<colour name="staff overview scout colour" red="200" green="122" blue="38"/>

<colour name="staff overview head physio colour" red="150" green="37" blue="70"/>

<colour name="staff overview physio colour" red="184" green="114" blue="135"/>

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wkdsoul thanks for your last help but I am still having problems changing the font colour the expires in months bit from red.

Here is the bit of code I have

<!-- Time to expiry -->

<widget id="ttex" class="label" auto_size="all" font="ProximaNova-Reg" colour="white"/>

<!-- Expiry date -->

<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="expw" auto_size="all" size="small" colour="white">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="1" />

<record id="widget_properties" class="formatted_label" format="([%date#1-short])" auto_size="all" colour="white" />

The time to expiry I know controls that bit as it has changed the font but not the colour.

The second worked find and is how white.

Any help


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Yes the contract is expiring in 3 months.

Is it hard coded for that to be red?

I have sorted the end bit to turn white by adding the colour code but when I add it to the expiry line it does not work.

It could be if the code isnt effecting it.

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It is likely hardcoded, however you can trick the game into changing its colour by applying a gradient to the text.

First you'll need to add a font="XX" bit to the line in question (or modify the existing bit if altering the first set of code), using a unique font name. (you might need to use font="fonts\XXX" in the xml file).

Next in the fonts folder for your skin, create a copy of one of the existing font xml files that matches the font style you want and rename the copy to the name you put in the above xml file.

Then in the font xml file add the following lines before the last </record> bit:

<integer id="gradient_upper_margin" value="20"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_margin" value="0"/>

<integer id="gradient_curve" value="0"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_red" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_green" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_blue" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_upper_colour_alpha" value="255"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_red" value="177"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_green" value="187"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_blue" value="198"/>

<integer id="gradient_lower_colour_alpha" value="255"/>

Then adjust the rgb values to match the colour you want and then make sure the upper and lower values match, if you want white you just want each value to be 255.

As the gradient code overrides the hardcoded colours this should allow you to change the colour, and if you set the upper and lower values to the same the text will just appear as one solid colour.

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Could someone tell which panel this is as like normal I want to change the font colour.


Also I have still to sort the problem I had in post 18 with the black font.

I have added the team training overview panel but can not see a line to change that bit of text.

Again thanks for all your help so far.

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Sorry to keep posting for help.

By playing around and adding panel I have sorted the vaule font colour.

But I am having no luck with the other bits that I need to change as I can not work out what panel they are controlled by.

Any help would be great as having fun playing around with skinning but it can be very frustrating when you it a brick wall.


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