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Purchasing via Steam

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Apologies if I am asking this in the wrong section.

If I purchase the game via Steam, am I right in assuming that I can then play the game on any laptop if I am logged into my Steam account? Further to this, if I am playing the game on my work laptop, and then go home and play it on my personal laptop, do Saves getting added to my steam account or are they saved locally to the PC? In other-words, can I play the same save file on both laptops?


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Just to add to dan's answers:

A) However you buy the game you need to register it through Steam so it doesn't matter.

B) You can login to your Steam account from any computer but you would need to download & install FM on that computer to be able to play it.

C) You can save to the Steam cloud but this does require your save to be uploaded when you exit FM & downloaded when you login from a different PC.

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