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Coaching badges and playing experience

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Evening all,

To date I have only tried to manage my beloved Liverpool side on this years version of FM. I am ashamed to say I have failed at it on each occasion. I did manage to win the Europa League but finished 8th in the league so I view this as failure. I have failed to get any level of consistency in my team, struggle to keep good morale and also struggle with every tactic I have tried to build.

I am now starting to question whether coaching badges and past playing experience plays a part in my struggles? I always start with no coaching badges and sunday league experience because anything else is simply not true. I'm one of those people who would feel as if i'm cheating if a said I had a Continental Pro License and was an ex international footballer (i'm not retired from international duty though if Roy Hodgson fancies giving me a run in the sticks :)). Does this have an impact on my struggles and if so, how much?

Once the winter update is released I plan on starting a save at the very bottom of English football and doing a long term career, working my way up through the leagues, collecting my coaching badges on the way. This to me feels more realistic and will also be a nice challenge and change to my Liverpool attempts.

I suppose my question is, am I just very bad at this game or are my starting settings making life difficult for myself?


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If any manager managed Liverpool with no past playing experience or any badges at all, he would struggle. Isn't that true? Find a tactic that works well for the LFC squad. Wingbacks Overlapping, Crossing, Use to Benteke's strengths, Everything goes through Couthino.

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That is true in a real life scenario but I want to know what impact it has in the game. I imagine it will have some but how much i'm not sure.

I've tried various different tactics and played with each extensively, but I never seem to find a balance and always struggle to get the goals from my striker. This is something I am spending endless time reading on the tactics section so i'm sure I will get there. No doubt there will be some changes to the ME which usually have an effect on how certain tactics perform so I am going to wait for the update before trying again. My main issue or questions remains that detailed in the thread title :)

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I find players tend not to respect you fully and do not buy into your ideology, tactics etc as they believe you are under qualified for the role. Takes a lot of years and success to change that thinking.

I mean put it this way, in your current real life job, you are well respected, talented professional and all of a sudden a 16 year old guy is appointed as your boss, past experience as a checkout assistant at ASDA would you respect or trust his talents in the industry you work in?

Just the way I look at it, some may see it different. I have had similar struggles on some saves for this very reason.

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