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Match reports gone??

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Ok so I have finally got into FM 16. finally got all the skins and graphics etc and loving it.

Then I scout a player randomly and he scores 2 goals in that next game. I wanted to see the goals but no match report was available? This was in the Ryman Premier. I have the league loaded on full details and not getting any reports from that division? so I go an check the other divisions higher up like League 1 and League 2 and they are also not working?

Is it my skin im using or something up with the game? Is this a known new non feature that used to be view able on every game since I can remember?

Thanks in advance.

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You're most likely correct about why this has happened, the match data will not have saved due to the setting you had selected at the game creation point being too low to store all the data your game is generating with each round of matches.

O)F course you do need to rule out the custom skin so it's worth loading one of the default skins to see if there is there is any functionality that is not present on the custom skin.

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