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Superunhappy player

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Bit unsure as to whether to log this as a bug or not.

I got promoted to the Premier League with Bolton, upon which I signed a winger from Leicester. After suffering a relegation, quite a few of my squad understandably became unhappy. The next season saw those players, one by one, become un-unhappy (no-one is delighted to live in Bolton) as it became increasingly obvious that I was going to return to the top league at the first time of asking. I then went on to finish 7th in the next season, qualifying for the Euro Cup (somehow!).

This winger is still unhappy that I got relegated, to the point where he is refusing to talk about a new contract even though he'd be playing in Europe for the first time in his career.

He's not irreplaceable, but I'd quite like to keep him.

Anyone else experienced this?


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Some of my players are fairly schizo - they go from "unhappy about playing time" to "outraged at the refusal of the manager to give him playing time (even though there was a 14 day break and no games scheduled) to after starting in a friendly "happy with his playing time". I've got players coming on and off the transfer list on a weekly basis (must be heck for their loyalty bonuses).

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