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[FM16] in between highlights-question


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Hi fellow managers :)

First the screener:


And now to the Question:

The two red marked containers are set the following:

left: as <widget class="home_match_team_stats_panel" id="hfMs" file="match team stats popup"/>

right: as <widget class="away_match_team_stats_panel" id="afMs" file="match team stats popup1"/>

Both popup-files look the same (I use a customized skin based on Gunzo's, don't know why he has 2 different files in it, but even if I point to identical files the behavior is the same). As you can see, for Home-Games alls looks good. If I play away-games thou, both container switch to "league table" and I can't pick the stats... seems like "home_match_team_stats_panel" only refers to MY home games? If I put into each container both lines from above, so that you can pick both home or away stats for each one, stats are shown in all games, but my team is always on the left, regardless of home or away...

Since the Match Overview in the middle shows sides dependend of home or away, what I want to achieve is that the game automatically shows the stats of the home team on the left and the away team on the right...

I hope I could describe my Problem properly? Maybe anyone has an idea of how to solve this... Right now I have to manually select the right stats on left and right container but there has to be a way to automatically do this, I hope :)

Best regards,


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Ok, solved the problem by copying the "match overview.xml" to a new "match in between highlights.xml". Made my changes there and now it works even thou I don't really understand why it didn't in my first try cause the corresponding lines are the same.

Well, anyways, didn't find a way to mark this thread as solved 'cause I can only edit the body, not the title of this thread :)

Thanks to all who read this!

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