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Using the official editor, is there any way I can trigger a takeover?

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So basically im sick of my chairman. He took over in the first year of a club, and in the 7 years following, despite positive cashflow and 3 promotions, REFUSES to upgrade our facilities or improve our youth network. I really want this guy out. Is there anyway I can trigger this?

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Can you set a chairmans confidence/happiness stat in the editor? I've never used the editor I'm afraid so I don't know myself but board takeovers are traditionally linked to the chairmans confidence/happiness.

It'd either be directly on the chairmans screen, or on the club screen I think as these two seem the most likely places for me to envisage it. At clubs where a chairman is looking to leave, we set this stat lower and it increases the chances of a takeover.

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Most of the takeovers that I have experienced have come about because a poor financial situation at the club. You could try saving a copy of the game and putting your club 100 million in debt, then holiday forward and see if there is any merit to the idea.

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