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FM15 - Lack of regen referees in long term saves

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Here are the referees at the start of the game for Europa League in July 2014:


And here are Europa League referees in November 2038. There are no regen referees replacing the retired ones, an there are only 2 left. Most of the matches are refereed by unknown referees. It only happens in Champions League and Europa League.


The Champions League final in 2038 was refereed by an unknown referee


I don't have this problem in National Leagues or in World Cup or European Championship, where there are new regen referees coming through and replacing the retired ones. I play with a large database, 30 leagues from 15 nations loaded and a player count of 155.000. I don't remember having this problem in old FMs, it kinda ruins the feeling of playing in European competitions with unknown referees in the future. So is this a bug, did anyobody had this problem when playing long term saves in FM15? Hope it's different in FM16.

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It's a bug but offset somewhat as the game randomises the tendencies of the 'unknown' ref's, not sure what improvements were introduced for FM16 as I have never checked.

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