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Minor bugs

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I've noticed a lot of minor bugs since '07 that aren't that game breaking, but imo should be fixed. I can't remember all of them so I guess I'll post here when they come back to me.

- You can arrange exhibition games on unavailable dates if you first arrange a game, then wait for a response to the request from the other team, and then arrange a game again in that unavailable date.

- If a player has learned a new role that he wasn't happy about (complains that he is unhappy with practise) and you switch him back to normal practice schedule after he learns the role, he will still complain that he's unhappy with practice.

- If you go on vacation, the game will send players to affiliate teams, regardless of what settings you put. (Not sure if this is a bug)

- If you go on vacation, the game puts people on farm teams that don't want to play there, causing them to go AWOL

- You can loan players to fool the game into thinking you have spent less money on players, allowing you to hire more players. I know this is more a lack of a feature then a bug, but still.

- Sometimes, If you search for staff (I guess players, too), and you have used filters before, you need to reset the filters before they are applied again.

- Other teams seem to loan players to your team only if you're on vacation (I'm playing with a mestis team)

Most are probably well known already.

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