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FM12 .lnc editing


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Hello. I've been trying to find some sort of compilation on the .lnc files commands/codes/orders for Football Manager 2012, don't really know how to call it, but haven't been able to so far. I'm referring to these kinds of "codes": "STADIUM_NAME_CHANGE" (http://footballmanager.wikia.com/wiki/LNC_file). Are they available anywhere?

I'm trying to find this as I want to know if I can edit the stadium seats colours, the same way it's possible to edit the stadium name using these files, for example. My club built a new one and they don't match the team's colours and I'd like them to (if there's a known way to change this I'd appreciate it, as this is what I really want). Many thanks for any help on this.

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That's unfortunate. The only save game editor available for FM12 is paid and the only free version I've found doesn't allow seat colour change. Thank you for the clarification KUBI.

However, I'd like to ask the mods to leave the thread open if possible, in case someone knows a way to edit the save game manually to change their colour. It's very immersion breaking having them black, instead of yellow like the club colour, I have to say.

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