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AI managers playing tired players

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Hi just got the game and loving it but have a couple of bug bears.

1) AI mangers playing lots if exhausted players. ie will start a game with condition 60-65-70% fit. this is unrealistic. This results in winning games to easily.

2) AI mangers not playing the formation they would in real life. Ie not enough 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-2-2-1 formations. They also seem to change to 4-4-2 defensive in nearly every game.

3) English teams to strong for European teams perhaps.

4) Not enough injured.

5) Can you make the game more difficult/realistic? With 9 games to go I am top of league with Liverpool and still in all cups. Smashed United in semi with my back up xi. I have signed no players just played 4-1-2-2-1 with good team and player instructions and look like I am going to clean up.

Are these things SI can do something about for the next update please?

Looking forward to your comments on the above.



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Still no reply!!!

The game has been spoilt way to easy as every game the opponent changes to 4-4-2 loads of players out of position and picking exhausted players. Otherwise it would be great game but this fundamental problem needs to be resolved otherwise the game is unplayable.

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  • SI Staff

The selection/formation issues are known and will be looked at in the near future.

3. This can tend to be biased if you have England loaded as a country (since they have full squads etc), since you are playing as Liverpool I'm guessing this is the case?

4. Generally I've not noticed this as a problem (some people complain there are too many! :p). If you have any good examples of a lack of injuries over the course of a season then please do send us a save! Have you changed your training in any way?

5. Again, we've had some complaints of the game being too hard as well as some that it is too easy. However if you're playing as Liverpool then I would suggest trying lower-league management if you are looking for more of a challenge. Liverpool are generally one of the easiest teams to win with in FMM.

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Thanks for the reply Jack. Any idea when the 4-4-2 problem will be resolved? it just makes the game to easy, lots of players out of position unrealistic. Also lots of teams not playing the formation they do in real life although I can resolve this with the editor. Although why can I only choose some formations not all in the editor?

You also seem to have a problem with attacking midfilders/forwards and end up with players like Walcott and other similar position players, playing in centre mid, again I can resolve through editor but something to think about perhaps?

Regarding point 4, for some reason on original match engine, I get plenty of injurys so realistic but with exact same training, get hardly any injures on enhanced engine, also players tire more on original engine it seems.

On the last point I get what your saying but surely I shouldn't be able to win the league, fa cup and Europa league and lose to Man City in league cup final, with my reserve's playing, based on me not signing a single player? I wanted to keep it realistic and sign no players in first season, now Liverpool are 9th in real life, I thought maybe under this restrictions, the best I could hope for is perhaps 4th and a cup but as you can see the problem is that teams play 4-4-2 every game, play players out if position and play exhausted players. This making just my team virtually unbeatable. I have only lost two league games all season. The rest of the league table looks realistic, it's just my results that are crazy based on what I have put above. I have only conceeded 25 goals all season, now come on I have Mignolet in nets LOL

The game would be great if we could just sort the main problems of 4-4-2 each game, players out of position and exhausted players starting games.

Look forward to your comments on the above


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  • SI Staff

I can't give an exact time-frame on the 442 problem, but I can assure you that it is definitely being looked into. I'll have a look into the real life formations issue, thanks for raising that problem.

Players being played out of position is also being looked into.

Liverpool have an incredibly strong team in FM, so it isn't too surprising that it's possible to achieve great success with them in the first season. Bear in mind that the game needs to appeal to all kinds of players of varying ability. Picking a lower-league team that is expected to relegate is where you should look if you're looking for a more challenging experience.

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