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Training issues in my save.... Plz help !!!!!

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Hello guys....

I am relatively new to football manager playing since FM14. Please help me to understand players training.

1. I started playing defuge and took over salford after holidaying for one season. But when I wanted to train players , there are few individual training categories not present there. Like i couldnt train them for making , positioning , agility and composure. its not showing in the list. rest all are present. this is just happening in one save. Before i havent faced any such thing . I deleted that save so couldnt provide screenshots.

2. In my last save i had to wonderkids. they were ready for 1st team at the age of 18. 1st one was left footed so i trained him for AMR(inside forward) and the other was right footed so i trained him for AML( inside forward) . After playing them in those positions for two continuous years still there positional rating is competent. will they ever become natural in their position. If yes then how many years will them have to play in that position for that.

3. when i train my young regens for particular role and assign individual training, they improve in all the attributes. for eg - suppose i bought a defender at 16 years . assigned him CD role and individual focus to making. what i observe is after 1 year they improved 1 point in marking and at the same time their finishing or long shot also improved by the same amount. When i assign CD role then attributes like heading , marking , tackling decision and concentration etc should improve but what the point of improving them in long shot . after 2 years i notice sometimes they improve 3 points in finishing. this eats up their PA. Am i doing something wrong. How to train them properly as i have always read, if you buy a raw talent with proper training they will develop in their needed stats. i have bunch of guys having great physicals but low technicals and mental abilities.

4. how to improve weak foot ability. i have tried the Technical PPM and i trained my whole squad for a season to develop their weak foot but none have improved after completing their trainings.

Sorry its too much to ask but I am still learning to play properly.


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1) Some attributes are limited based on the quality of your training facilities. I imagine Salford's aren't top of the line, so some things will be missing.

3) "Useless" attributes for positions (e.g. Finishing for Central Defenders) don't use much PA at all. Attributes are weighted differently based on the positions they are familiar with. I wouldn't worry about it. You can't focus development exclusively on what few attributes you want.

4) Weak foot is rated out of 20 like attributes. Even if the wording on the information screen didn't change (e.g. 'fairly strong' to 'strong') hopefully the number did, and their performances will reflect that.

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Thanks for the reply...

can you tell me how much time it takes to have positions become natural. Till FM15 it as easy to get atleast accomplished with new position in 2 years. but this year i guess some players never achieve beyond competent in their new position.

I know about the attribute distribution for particular role/position. What i mean to say is If i buy a winger with 15 pace and acceleration but 11 in dribbling and crossing. Is this possible that they gain less in physicals and more in technical.like after training can they have 15 in dribbling and crossing and 16 in pace acceleration. As i know acc and pace eats up lot of PA for wingers. I have read cleon's thread about player development and trying to understand training properly.so lets take 3 scenario here.

A guy have crossing-dribbling- technique- pace-acc all 11

1. I gave him only individual training in dribbling for 2 year.

2. I gave him role training of winger no individual training for 2 year.

3. I gave him role training of winger and individual training in dribbling for 2 years.

How these 3 different approach will have probable effect on his attribute change.

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A lot of people seem to be having trouble with positional familiarity development this year. Personally I haven't had that problem and my players have all jumped up a stage within a few weeks, but I haven't tried to develop a player all the way to natural or done it long-term.

I don't do youth development so I wouldn't know how much influence you can have over attributes via training. Over two years you'll probably see a difference of a point here and there, but you'll have to accept minor improvements/up-arrows all over their profile most of the time.

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