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Tutoring from Reserve Team

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Is there any problem to put players are tutoring young ones, in Reserve Team? I mean if the tutoring to the young player doesn't get in the problem because the starting player, now playing for the Reserve Team, doesn't have very status in team. I ask because the simple change of taking a player from Main Team to the Reserve team reduces or ends all the options of players for tutoring.

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If I'm understanding what you mean, if you send either player to the reserves the tutoring will stop because they are technically in different squads so not "team-mates" anymore.

Is this true? My players in the first team regularly tutor players in the Under 21s and Under 18s.

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This doesn't happen here, If the senior is in Main Squad tutoring a guy from Youth squad and the senior is moved to the Reserve Squad, he keeps the tutoring. My worry is if the move can mess up with the youth player development (causing any discord between both, maybe) because moving to the Reserve Team the senior player is losing status in the club

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