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Develop Weaker Foot Question

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1) doesn't consume CA/PA ,but slows down the development because it takes time from the individual training

2)for me it worths a lot ( but everyone plays different)

- if for example i have a right foot (only )natural RB regen who is awkward LB , I usually train him till he becomes accomplished ,and then from ''technique '' training -- develop his weaker foot

-i ll do that also to ML/R ,AML/R players

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Developing weaker foot does cost CA. I can't remember the exact amount it uses though. It's the only PPM that costs CA.

This appears to be because the weaker foot is trained as a PPM but increases as an attribute. If you look "under the hood" in the editor, players have a 1-20 rating for each foot.

Every player has a 20 on their preferred foot, then a 1-20 rating for their weaker foot. For example, if you see Left Only this means Left Foot = 20, Right Foot = 1-9. If you see Left Footed, that's Left = 20 and Right = 10-14. Either footed players will have a 20 in their preferred foot and 15-20 for their weaker foot.

I should point out that these bandings are approximate.

In my experience, developing the weaker foot is expensive but well worth it.

As a general rule, I am happy for wide players to be Right or Left footed, but if I see Right Only or Left Only then I develop the weaker foot.

For central players, it depends on their Potential. When I have a high potential youngster who looks likely to break into the first team then I will give him a season developing the weaker foot. If a youngster is being developed with the intention of selling, then I don't develop the weaker foot instead I max out other attributes as they appear to have more influence on the value.

At Ajax, I have good tutors in almost every position so my Under 19s churn out two-footed, determined and professional 17 or 18 year old players. From there they are loaned, play for the Jong Ajax or even the Senior Squad depending on their development and potential.

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I know how it works?! :D

You remember if it significantly halves the player's potential? If it's anything below 10 i'll probably use it a lot more.

My main question is whether it's worth it or not D:

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You really don't need to get quite so caught up in how much CA and PA this and that ability takes up. You're over complicating things.

Unless you have an add on you can't see it anyway, so just pretend it doesn't exist. Relying on your own and your coaches assessments of players can lead to a much more immersive and enjoyable game.

However, if you really want to get into the nuts and bolts of how much CA and PA will get taken up, use the FM Editor - find a player, see what his unedited recommended CA is, adjust how much left or right foot you want, and recheck his new recommended CA. You can do that for any attribute.

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You remember if it significantly halves the player's potential? If it's anything below 10 i'll probably use it a lot more.

My main question is whether it's worth it or not D:

No it's not that bad. It uses around 12 CA to raise it from 8-12 iirc. But like Herne said you don't need to complicate it.

In answer to whether it's worth it or not only you can decide that, it's different for everyone else. Just remember though that if a player becomes 2 footed then his attribute development will not be as good as a player who is 1 footed.

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how does it actually work i trained someone in it, it was in his PPM for a few weeks after finishing training then vanished, and his weaker foot rating was the same.would his weaker foot of improved from this point down the line?

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No. I its more likely the weaker foot's rating has not yet reached the minimum value for the next scale.

If i remember correctly, here is the scale

- 1 to 4 is labeled "very weak"

- 5 to 8 is "weak"

- 9 to 11 is "reasonable"

- 12 to 14 is "fairly strong"

- 15 to 17 is "strong"

- 18 to 20 is "very strong"

so if u've successfully trained a player with develop weaker foot PPM but didnt see any change on his weaker foot's description (on information tab), it means his weaker foot's value has not yet reached the minimum value for the next scale/new description.

lets say, at first his weaker foot was 9 (the description was "reasonable"). After develop weaker foot PPM training it becomes 10. so in the description it is still labeled as "reasonable" since he need at least 12 value to get to "fairly strong.

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yes, it should have gone from a player's list of PPM

in my own understanding, there are few steps before a player's weaker foot get better

Lets call this player Justin. Justin is a 19 years old player with his prefered foot is the right one, so his weaker foot is the left one with 8 value (so it is labeled "weak")

1. U ask your coaching staff to train Justin with develop weaker foot PPM

2. In case Justin is successfuly learn the PPM, he will get "develop weaker foot" in his PPM list that u can see from his information tab. But at this point, his weaker foot's value is still 8. The reason being that additional value of weaker foot requires CA. so Lets say at this point, Justin's CA is 100. He need to get more CA after learned develop weaker foot PPM before his left foot is truly get better.

3. Then after a while (well depends on how fast his growth), Justin's CA got increased, from 100 to 102. At this point, "develop weaker foot" will disappear from his PPM list. N now his left foot's value has been increased to 9. so it is now labeled as "reasonable"

From what i've learnt from the newest Editor, 1 value of foot's strength requires roughly 1 CA. There is a more complex calculation behind it but yea it is roughly cost 1 CA per value.

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