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Dead slow all of a sudden

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Just played the first season of my current save and have had no problems at all with slow processing. However, I've just got to mid-June in 2016 and everything has just got dead slow. Just clicking on a player to see profile is taking forever!

Everything else on my PC is exactly the same as it was just a few minutes ago yet from literally nowhere, FM feels like it is being run by a marshmallow and not a latest i7 processor.

Any ideas?

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Actually, I've pinpoited the problem. When I search for staff the 'people found' keeps jumping from figure to figure and I'm unable to look on any person's profile unless I reset the search criteria, then I can see their profile. As soon as I narrow search down the 'people found' number jumps around and I cant select anybody.

Again, any ideas?

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by any chance are you unlocking "find all staff" from the in game editor? I had the same issue a couple times when i did that. I stopped doing it.

Just checked and that option was not ticked. It's still doing it but only when I want to search for staff. Extremely annoying

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My game is doing exactly the same. Was playing this morning and all was fine, now cannot search for staff because of this. Number jumping when "find realistic options" is ticked.

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My game is doing exactly the same. Was playing this morning and all was fine, now cannot search for staff because of this. Number jumping when "find realistic options" is ticked.

Where is the 'find realistic options' box that is ticked? Editor or in game?

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I experienced this issue myself within the last couple of weeks and posted a bug report in the forum - it's really annoying as it just basically occurred without warning and had been running fine before!

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I experienced this issue myself within the last couple of weeks and posted a bug report in the forum - it's really annoying as it just basically occurred without warning and had been running fine before!

Did you manage to find out a fix, start a new save or just carry on with problem?

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I had all default leagues loaded with large database and it seems that the only "fix" is to start a "smaller" save ie less leagues loaded at current (tried a new save with all leagues loaded aftrr the issue first popped up and it had the issue from the start, but loading just england with large database and theres no problems at all) Am going to upload a file requested when i can but we've beeen having a ton of internet problrms lately too and since thr post advising how to upload the file our connection has gone again so thats just going to delay still further finding a proper solution my end at least.

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I've had that problem with the Staff Search after the first season since the last patch as well. I am able to fix it by deleting the Cache and Preferences folder from the Football Manager directory in "%localappdata%".

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I've had that problem with the Staff Search after the first season since the last patch as well. I am able to fix it by deleting the Cache and Preferences folder from the Football Manager directory in "%localappdata%".

Found that, but after looking at the contents of those folders, it doesn't look like they should be deleted. Will probably cause other issues going forward

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I should have added that yes, deleting those folders will reset your preferences and it means you will lose your screen view set ups, preference settings and so on so forth. However it is the only way I've been able to fix this game-breaking issue. Doesn't mean having to reset all my game settings and views every time I want to sign staff any more isn't any less of a pain the rear.

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