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Editor Problem

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Hi everyone. I seem to have a problem with adjusting the attributes of a player using editor. Whenever i try to increase some attributes via editor, such as endurance or stamina of the player, it affects other attributes, lowering them down one or two points. For instance, i increase the player's vision from 10 to 12 and when i use that editor file in the game, the player seems to have lost some of his other mental attributes. That applies to technical and physical attributes too. Why this is happening and how can i prevent this? Thanks a lot in advance.

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Should I adjust the CA of the player as it is suggested when I change the attributes? Thanks a lot for your answer Welshace.

Yes you should. CA is calculated from the attributes, each of which has a different weighting, so if the attributes are too high or too low for the given CA then the game will compensate for it by raising/lowering other attributes

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