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The Man in Moscow


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Hi have decided to write my first FM story. This is just the beginning, it is based on a football manager game it just might take a while to get there. Any comments are welcome as I am on a Creative Witing degree so will help me improve.

16th February 2007 – Moscow

Ring Ring, Ring Ring

Somewhat groggily I reached out for the phone.

“Ello Meester Ioanescu, I think you is lonely.”


“I think you is lonely, you want me send up nice girl, you go boom boom have niiice time.”

“Not again,” I mumbled “For the last time I do NOT want a prostitute sent up!”

Slamming the phone down I sat up right, thanking God for the few seconds I get each day before I realise what a s**t heap I’m in. Reaching for my cigarettes it all started to flood back.

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7th December 2006 – London

“It’ll be easy he said, just go in and do the job he said. What does that fat sack of crap know about anything?” I muttered as the bullets flew past my head. I let off a few shots hitting one of the two men shooting at me in the neck.

“Just do this one little hit, then you can go back to your farm. That’s easy for him to say sitting in his little café.” I raged. The surviving man, angered at the death of his friend charged towards me. I popped around from my cover and shot him twice in the chest.

Checking he was dead, I quickly reloaded my pistol then put it back in its holster. Grabbing the bag of Coke Fat Mike sent me to get I quickly left the house and ran to my car. Throwing the bag onto the back seat I jumped behind the wheel and sped off towards Mike’s café.

Fat Mike was everything you expect from a South London café owner. Greasy, sweaty, bald and deep into organized crime. I hated the cockney git and wanted to smack him whenever I saw him. Unluckily for me, he pays well and my farm isn’t doing to well. Stupid Cows.

“Alwight mate,” He slurred at me when I entered, “Give me a few and I’ll ‘ave a butchers at the gear.” I walked in and sat at the nearest table. “Wanna cuppa?” he shouted from the back. I knew better than to accept any food or drink from Mike.

“I’m good. You didn’t tell me there’d be more than one person there.” I replied.

“How wus I meant to know. I can’t know everything thing.” He snapped.

“It’ll cost you five grand extra.” I stated.

“Five Grand! The gears only worth fifty. Twenty is more than enough.”

“I don’t have time for this. I’ll be back in a few days to pick up my cash.”

“Bloody hitmen, think they own the bloody world.” He muttered under his breath just loud enough for me.

“What was that?” I said threateningly.

“Nowt” was the timid reply. I left the café, got into my car and went home.

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8th December 2007

Ring, Ring.

Groaning I reached for the phone.

“Hello” I said half asleep.

“Its Mike, We’re screwed get to the café as quick as you can.” He blurted before hanging up on me. Still sleepy but rapidly becoming worried I got out of bed and dressed quickly. Grabbing my car keys I started to head for the door when I heard the buzz of my mobile on the side. Swearing I answered it.

“Mike’s setting you up. Take him out and come to the address I’ll send you later.” The voice on the other end said hanging up before I had a chance to reply. Confused I put the phone in my pocket before leaving the house and getting into my car. Just as I was leaving my farm I received a text from the same number that called earlier. It was the address of a hotel owned by the Russian Mafia boss Kolinko.

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8th December 2007

Driving towards town I thought about what the voice had told me. I knew I couldn’t trust Mike anyway but I had no idea who the voice could be. They more than likely had connections to the Russian Mafia. Kolinko’s hotel wasn’t a place for tourists, unless you were a sex tourist. If Mike was going to betray me though he had to have a good reason for it. It must have something to do with the job I just pulled for him. My best guess was that it belonged to someone big and they had found out it was him who ordered it taken. Mike must have then pleaded for this life and offered me to them. The idiot didn’t he realise that once I was dead they would just kill him. As I reached the outskirts of London I made up my mind. Mike had to die.

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Hi I will not be carrying on with this. I loved the writing part but I can't get into the game itsself. I will be starting a new story but it will not be for a while until I get a solid idea. With this story I had the begining and the ending(s) in my head but I couldn't get through the actual season. I do have an idea in my head (again) but I need to develop it a bit more.

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