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Rebuilding Milan - What now?

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Hi all,

Apologies for making another thread, however I couldn't edit the title of my old one and it seems to make more sense to create a new thread.

Brief overview of my save

So I'm nearing the end of my second season with Milan and I feel like I have hit a wall, tactically speaking. In the first season, we struggled and were inconsistent, but managed to rescue a 3rd place finish (mostly due to other teams dropping points, we definitely got lucky). There were games where we were just overrun, and the majority of our goals (>55%) came from a header off of a wingbacks cross. The summer came, I invested in the squad and changed a few things of the tactic. This is how we looked going it to season two:


However, things didn't improve. Again, we were inconsistent and at times looked very much like a one-trick pony going forward. I thought it was time to shake it up a bit, and had seen the diamond as a suggested tactic as opposed to 5atb. I signed Bazoer, and this is how we then lined up:


But still, this wasn't giving me the results I would hope for. With this system, we tended to dominate possession and had a lot of shots. However, most of these shots were either off target or saved, and we were getting hit for a goal or two late in the game. I couldn't work out what was causing the problem, however someone suggested to me that it may be something to do with playing a high line in a very defensive league. The opposition areas often became crowded, and I could understand why. So I started playing around with tactics similar in shape to the two above, that emphasised a medium block in defense and a slower build up play with mixed passing. Again, we were suffering from similar problems. The main one was again a lack of consistency. Some games we'd be overrun and pinned in our half, whereas others we'd be on top (but still often failing to score)

So my question is, what next?

I have read Lines and Diamonds, and always keep the Pairs and Combinations guide to hand, but I'm not really sure what sort of system I want to be trying. Since it seems ill-advised to play a high line in the Serie A, I was thinking of opting again for a medium line. Going forward, I'm not sure what kind of attacking would break down a compact defense like the ones I often face. Lines and Diamonds suggests I would want a more 'complex' build up/attacking phase, which would involve a longer transition phase. But I am really struggling to put these ideas in to practice and this is a save I do not want to give up on yet.

If anyone has any advice for me, that would be much appreciated.

For reference, here are our strengths compared to others in the league:



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You seem to keep wanting to completely change system instead of making tweaks to the current system. Why?

Very few players can set up a system that just works instantly. There are always areas that need improving/tweaking. Whether on purpose or not I'm not sure, but even Cleon in the latest article has an issue with his AM role not being ideal. We're definitely not Cleon, so we all create okay systems initially that will have flaws in them which would need sorting out.

All it seems you're doing is swapping an okay initial tactic (with flaws) for a new okay tactic with different flaws. You keep restarting at square 1 instead of just progressing from there.

Decide on a system and then look for those flaws when you're watching matches. From there it's a case of ironing out the wrinkles.

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You seem to keep wanting to completely change system instead of making tweaks to the current system. Why?

Very few players can set up a system that just works instantly. There are always areas that need improving/tweaking. Whether on purpose or not I'm not sure, but even Cleon in the latest article has an issue with his AM role not being ideal. We're definitely not Cleon, so we all create okay systems initially that will have flaws in them which would need sorting out.

All it seems you're doing is swapping an okay initial tactic (with flaws) for a new okay tactic with different flaws. You keep restarting at square 1 instead of just progressing from there.

Decide on a system and then look for those flaws when you're watching matches. From there it's a case of ironing out the wrinkles.

Okay, thank you for the advice :) I'll have a think over which tactic I want to use, and then start trying to change it around so it actually works

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You shouldn't of had work ball into box instruction on no wonder you couldn't break the teams down everyone must of been too crowded

I've heard this from a few people now, I haven't had a chance to try it yet. I am thinking of going with the second tactic, taking out the work ball in to box, dropping the high line/offside trap and maybe changing the roles a little, but I will probably play a few games first and see.

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I think removing Work Ball into box will not help. More crosses and long shots. As Hunter said earlier little tweaks will help. Overall tactic is not far off as a decent base to work from, maybe a role or duty change or 2 (I would review your midfield set up). From my take of your post I think your reading of the game and changes you could make are what you should develop, depending on your opponent for each game.

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Hi all,

So my question is, what next?

I have read Lines and Diamonds, and always keep the Pairs and Combinations guide to hand, but I'm not really sure what sort of system I want to be trying. Since it seems ill-advised to play a high line in the Serie A, I was thinking of opting again for a medium line. Going forward, I'm not sure what kind of attacking would break down a compact defense like the ones I often face. Lines and Diamonds suggests I would want a more 'complex' build up/attacking phase, which would involve a longer transition phase. But I am really struggling to put these ideas in to practice and this is a save I do not want to give up on yet.

If anyone has any advice for me, that would be much appreciated.

For reference, here are our strengths compared to others in the league:



Look, you have signed players with one plan, and now you are trying to change it.... For example, look at your CB-s qualities. They are among best in pace, tackling, acceleration, but they are not so good in the air, as they lack jumping reach and strength. So you want them to push up to exploit their best traits.

Regarding your problems in attack, there is no movement, and your players are being too static without ball, and even more static with ball. You have basically only one player (three if you count two full backs that will offer support wide, but that is all they will do), and your AF who is moving into channels and trying to do something with his dribbling, but he usually cant, as there is no space due to deep defensive lines and your slow pace.

So while you might dominate possession, you can not use it to score, and if you cant dominate possession, you do not have enough movement to capitalize on more space that is left by your opposition.

Then, you are among best teams in league with your midfield passing, vision, decision, and yet you play slow in attack, you have two playmaker roles which slow you down even more, so when you compress space, there is no way you can actually use their good traits. With this team you want to be aggressive, you want to get the ball early and capitalize on any space that opponent might give you, as you have quality in your team to succeed more often then not. So think how you can use space quicker and to be more effective in transition.

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