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Testimonials etc. need a new script

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Testimonials are a nice innovation to FM16 but not without it's pitfalls.

Allow me to explain. I had just taken over Deportivo in mid-November, and found that the squad was mostly full of old blokes. One of these old blokes, Berginos, or something similar, I noticed, had a testimonial arranged for the end of December. which is nice I thought.

When the time arrived, up comes a nice news item, advertising the game, and detailing his, (inauspicious) career. Come the day all his old mates turned up and appeared in my squad list in a lovely shade of green. So I pick all his mates, (two of them) and the rest of the old blokes in my own squad, who up to this point hadn't had a game under my stewardship.

Now here's the rub. I did my bit by making Berginos skipper for the day, set my tactics to normal pace, no pressing and easy tackling. In the first half our hero get's himself booked, (he's a DM so no surprise really). At half time we are losing and the AssMan insists I give the old blokes a rollocking for poor performance. You know what's coming. In the second half the Main Man gets booked again and is duly sent off. We lose and at full time the Assman insists the performance was completely unacceptable etc. etc.

The point is, if SI are going to have a nice idea for Testimonials, then isn't it possible to have a different game and commentary dynamic to go with it? I was all set to sub our hero with five to go, standing ovation from one and all, but was deprived of that due to his early bath. Not that he would have got any ovation as he was rating 5.9 at the time of his dismissal.

A different commentary etc. could also apply to friendlies as well. Would it be that difficult to do?

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Just adding my support for the OP here. I think that when you do everything right like giving the player the captaincy and subbing him off early for his ovation there should be something to 'reward' you for doing so. Even one line of commentary in the game about being applauded off by the fans and fellow players, and something in the write-up afterwards - perhaps it could say which charity he gave the gate receipts to from one of the ones advertised in the game (unless he trousers it!) - and maybe even a thank you from the player for making him captain? A few little touches like that could make the experience feel special.

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While I can definitely see the point the OP is making, essentially this would need a new match engine. Or at least a lot of hooks into the existing one to model a less stressful match (come to think of it, what happens with friendlies? Are they modelled differently?). Seems like a hell of a lot of work for matches that come around once a decade effectively.

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It's a fair point in regards to the team talks/assistant advice and is something we've already been discussing internally.

Because of the status of the game (ie a friendly or testimonial) this will already be effecting the players performance, but they'll still also be following tactical instructions. If you've asked a player to get stuck in via your player instructions, they will (albeit to a lesser extent than a competitive match).

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It's a fair point in regards to the team talks/assistant advice and is something we've already been discussing internally.

Because of the status of the game (ie a friendly or testimonial) this will already be effecting the players performance, but they'll still also be following tactical instructions. If you've asked a player to get stuck in via your player instructions, they will (albeit to a lesser extent than a competitive match).

It's purely anecdotal, but in my experience there are too many bookings and in particular red cards in competitive games generally. It feels like it'd benefit from players being even less willing than they are currently to go in for strong tackles, and referees having increased leniancy.

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I've just played a season managing Everton, don't ask me why, and at the start of the new season we are the guest team at Wayne Rooney's testimonial. He was not captain, scored, got booked and then injured. A normal day for Rooney. but it only emphasises how SI have missed a trick here. Someone in the office had the terrific idea of testimonials, and SI have just slung it in the game with a quick link to the person's biography, and a few of his mates in the home team squad.

When you consider there is only so much that can be done with such a well developed game, here was the opportunity to do something really different, with a unique commentary and match dynamic. I only make this point because, done properly, it would be a really nice addition to the game.

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I just saw a testimonial for Liverpool "legend" Martin Skrtel. That gave me a good laugh.

Well, he's done a lot for Liverpool in the past. Now he's truly out of form. But a club legend, I think, refers to a player who's spent a lot of time at the club.

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Last night I had one of the players in my San Marino team sent off during his own testimonial as well. He collects bookings for fun so I shouldn't have been too surprised but I thought the ref would have given him a break on his big day! :D

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Last night I had one of the players in my San Marino team sent off during his own testimonial as well. He collects bookings for fun so I shouldn't have been too surprised but I thought the ref would have given him a break on his big day! :D

Which is really the whole point of my thread.

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