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3 quick questions

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1. When i get a message in my inbox along the lines of my scout has found 0 new players this month he has scouted 55 players in his report total, how do i see his report with these players he's recommended? I cant find what i have to click on, he's scouting Scotland for youth so i just want see a list of the players he's found.

2 My dlp has the ppm moves into channels which channel though? if he's played in the dm strata? I take it a channel is between 2 players e.g lcb and lb, but would he be going between a am and say a if? or between the lines such as between their midfield and attack?

3 Would this be unhelpful to a dlp you want always to be available for a safe pass and the rear most dmc next to a regista, so i would think the dlp/D would be further back naturally anyway than the regista due to its default support mentality. I dont want my dlp getting pre-occupied trying to find these pockets of space further up the pitch when he should most be holding behind the ball.

Thanks to anyone who read this far ;)

Edit player is Cataldi btw

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2 - moves into channels is an attacking movement, so not relative and won't effect that role i think? same way not all midfield roles can have it selected

3 - if you have his creative freedom limited to do as he is told and hold back, really shouldn't become an issue

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