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Unrealistic Wage Demands

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SO in season 3 I have just won the league with WestBrom.

Ante Coric, who looks amazing, is interested in joining. He is earning 1.5k a week in the Ukrainian league. I offer 23m as I know he will be a star so fair enough.

He Wants £325k A WEEK!!!

He has done nothing in his career. No one in real life would ask for that at his stage.

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Just to add.

He has just joined Man City for £275K a week.

I am sorry SI, that is not realistic

He wants more money to join a less reputable/smaller club. It's not really that far fetched, is it? "Hey, I'll join you, but make it worth my while."

They may also have offered better bonuses or agent fees?

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He wants more money to join a less reputable/smaller club. It's not really that far fetched, is it? "Hey, I'll join you, but make it worth my while."

They may also have offered better bonuses or agent fees?

The typical 'Moderator' denial response.

Coric although decent player is no where near a top top level player on this game and especially not just 3 seasons in. To ask/receive anywhere near £300k showcases a massive flaw in the negotiation process.

Been like this for at least the last 2 or 3 versions IMO.

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Who was his agent? There are some exceedingly greedy agents in this game, and often their clients do not move because of their huge wage demands. I remember a few seasons back I was looking to buy a Sporting CP midfielder (William Carvalho maybe?) to bolster my midfield. He was available for not so much money for his talent, around £18 million. Bargain, I thought, perfect way to strenghten the team. What a coup!

When I got round to offering him a contract he wanted something outrageous (I forget how much exactly, but more than 200k pw for sure). There was no way to negotiate him down from those wage demands, and I refused to pay so much for him. So I ended up cancelling the deal and instead spending my money elsewhere.

The moral of the story is that it happens, on rare occassions, and unless you want to pay him those wages just shrug and move on.

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The typical 'Moderator' denial response.

Coric although decent player is no where near a top top level player on this game and especially not just 3 seasons in. To ask/receive anywhere near £300k showcases a massive flaw in the negotiation process.

Been like this for at least the last 2 or 3 versions IMO.

You should really stick to the actual topic. You will have noticed that I did and I asked a question as well, so it's far from a clear matter.

The OP said, "looks amazing" and so I have to believe that he is good to be worth that much. I haven't seen his attributes, so I don't have an opinion on whether he is worth it, but both City and West Brom seem to think so. If he's going to be a "star" as the OP claims, he's going to want to be paid like one. It may also be that the agent is affecting it, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Edit: Maybe the OP should clarify what he thinks the unrealistic part is and why exactly.

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The typical 'Moderator' denial response.

Coric although decent player is no where near a top top level player on this game and especially not just 3 seasons in. To ask/receive anywhere near £300k showcases a massive flaw in the negotiation process.

Been like this for at least the last 2 or 3 versions IMO.

While I have not experienced this 'extreme' example - I have had similar things in terms of sides wanting 120m for a 17 year old or players wanting their wages to go up 40-fold.

There's always going to be a fight between 'it's a game' and 'it's not realistic'. The idea you KNOW someone will 'be a star' is actually far more unrealistic than the wages he is demanding. Not even the best scout can look at a player in Ukraine and say 'this guy will work out'. Chygrynsky anyone?

In the context of a game however, you can probably say that with some certainty ('this guy will work out'). I've always treated this as a trade-off - the game is privy to information that a particular player is world class/will be, with this in mind it's entirely possibly for the fee to be enhanced or the player's wage demands to be raised when combined with the right agent, for a player at a decent club, being sold to a club that everyone knows is minted.

It's very easy to scream 'this is unfair', but Football Manager gives you much more powerful data than a real life scout can ever have, perhaps if you focused some energy on thinking about all the ways the game advantages you you wouldn't be screaming about the lack of realism so much.

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I'm not sure what is wrong in the example the OP gave. I see two probable scenarios that have lead to the events that the OP describes, a highly rated player is linked with mega-rich club in mega-rich league & sets their wage expectations based on what they feel a player of their ability & potential should be earning in that league or it could be that the player would prefer to continue their development at their current club but are willing to move for life changing income & in this case one club is willing to offer a massive contract because they can afford to do.

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Why should a player base their wage demands on what they currently earn? Real life decisions about wages come down to how much you're worth to a prospective employer or industry sector you're considering moving to not the one you're moving from.

If the going wage for a player matching the ability & potential of the one described by the OP at a top English side starts at £200,000 a week where has the logic failed? I expect part of the issue is that in the past it was very easy to get talented foreign players on very low wages (FM14 Balanata agreeing to £10,000 a week being a perfect example) & as is normally the way when SI tighten up on an exploit some FM'ers are not able to accept that the flaw has been partially or fully corrected.

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Why should a player base their wage demands on what they currently earn? Real life decisions about wages come down to how much you're worth to a prospective employer or industry sector you're considering moving to not the one you're moving from.

They don't have to but most of the time wage demands take into consideration what they currently earn. I'm trying to recall if it happened that some player made a massive jump like that, I think it is extremely rare and if it would happen all the time, I would call it a "bug" because it is not very realistic.

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I think that speaks to what I was saying prior - the plethora of tools available to an FM manager gives you a lower risk factor than signing a player in reality. Thus it makes sense that the games tries in some way to balance this out.

A way to defend FM here might be to say - could I, as an agent of any player ask for 325k a week instead of saying no to a Premier League club? The answer quite clearly yes, the chance they will laugh at me also very high.

Is this case in the minority? It would appear so.

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I recently experienced this for perhpa the first time. There was a player transfer listed for £400k but really highly rated by my scouts; I bid he asked for £73k p/w (he was on around £3kish); I pulled out of talks on these grounds, a week later he signs for another club on £11k wages - I know they could be heavily bonus related but the discrepancy is a little bit too much.

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Lots of things could be at play. I've been on the other side late into my saves when I have money to burn. I can give players a wage cut and have a long negotiation with them to batter down the price and they will still sign for me over a smaller side that probably is offering more money.

My main rule when signing players is - you don't have a divine right to sign this player, he could be brilliant, but he is allowed to want way more money from you than for another team, and still sign for the other side. That's the reality of contracts.

Small example - think of the salary players in the Champions League could make if Qatari/Chinese clubs went after them. I'm sure it happens quite a lot. They might move to another Champions League club for 20-30k a week or move to China for 150k a week. I would like to think that's still not a cut and dry decision for footballers to make. Some will take deal A, some deal B. Transfers are complex, so are people.

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i can see why this can happen in the game

his starting salary in the game is 1.5k but he wont sign a new one at the club either cos he wants to move or they cant afford him. 3 yrs on his PA is increasing and he has developed into a player deserving of a stupidly high wage. then you add on the agent factor.

I know its not a like for like example but in my game at Forest i signed Zivkovic from Ajax in the 2nd season for around 20/30k. within a a couple of seasons he had moved onto Real Madrid, didnt play much and was available for transfer again. The transfer fell from £20m to £8m as no one wanted to pay his latest wage demands. He was also asking for £325k a week . Arsenal bought him in the end.

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More than one club was interested in him. Both of the clubs were prepared to allocate eight figure sums to get him to play football for them and one of those clubs was willing to pay £275k per week.

It'd be a **** agent who didn't ask for >£300k

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It's not unrealistic that a player is willing to accept a lesser wage at a bigger club.

I do think the initial wage demand is a little unrealistic though. Sure I get the fact in this example Man City were prepared to offer £275k - which justifies the £325k demand from WBA.

In real life I doubt Man City would offer £275k and for me this is the flaw in the game in this regard.

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It's at least 2018 in the OP#s save which changes how the demands should be perceived, with the huge increase in TV revenue there is every chance that even with the wage cap rules we will see a significant increase in player salaries in the next season or two. £275K in 2018 could be the equivalent of £80k in 2015.

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Inappropriate wage demands would see a player being left unsigned & even that is not an indication of a coding error as some players are not willing to accept their declining ability or reputation. In this case Man City clearly felt he was good enough to justify a 1st team/key player level wage otherwise they would have walked away.

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Fees & wages have been a massive problem for many editions of the game now IMO. Seriously needs looked into and overhauled.

To be honest its gone backwards, it was more believable 10 year ago.

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To be honest its gone backwards, it was more believable 10 year ago.

Based on what? Real life? Because then I'd agree. Everything else has been answered in the thread so far.

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There are a few issues with wage demands being too low & too high in certain situation, club wage management can be a bit off when a club is having financial issues as AI clubs are less likely to sell their most expensive players to reduce costs & generate revenue but there isn't really any need for a massive overhaul of the system, it just needs some tweaks here & there.

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Just look at it like this. If you were offerred £275k per week to play for Man City but there was also interest from Leicester (closest real-life comparison to a league-winning WBA side), how much would your opening demand be in your negotiations with them? Assuming City are still an established Champions League side, the answer for me would actually be more than £325k.

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