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Newgen face question

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Do newgens' faces "evolve"? I bought a player when he was 17; now he's 23 and his face changed. He looks fatter and a bit more mature. Can they gain weight and would that, along with age, morph their face? I haven't been following his weight attribute, so I don't know if it changed. Does anyone have a definitive answer regarding this?

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Some of the changes can be extreme hair-wise

One day my 17 year old new gen appeared to be balding with a very receding hairline. Next day, full head of hair!

Their faces also change expression based on morale I believe

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The hair changing is a bug it seems. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/458387-Regen-players-hairstyles-change-randomly

As for the face its less common, i noticed at least in FM15 that when a player gets to 33 years old his complexion may change a bit. However in rare ocasions i noticed that some players, especially those with african descent change into a bald hairstyle and may get their faces streched up a bit after a birthday, don't know whats up with that. There is a hair color setting you can see with the editor for players that is called "Changeable (Normal)" and "Changeable (Dramatic)", which may cause it.

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