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Where the options for 'use real players'?

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When you start the game, you select the countires and then proceed to the screen where you select the leagues you want to play with.

In the bottom half of the screen, there will be around 8 tick boxes which enable/disable various options including the use of fake players.

I've found that the tick boxes can be hidden in a collapsable menu but it's on that screen. :)

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When you start the game, you select the countires and then proceed to the screen where you select the leagues you want to play with.

In the bottom half of the screen, there will be around 8 tick boxes which enable/disable various options including the use of fake players.

I've found that the tick boxes can be hidden in a collapsable menu but it's on that screen. :)

Thanks, i found it, it's in the collapsed advanced options.

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