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Should I upload my save?

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Okay, first of all could anyone tell me how to do so as I haven't go the faintest idea.

Whilst reading through the tactics forum, there are a lot of threads made by people saying that either they don't know how to build a tactic, or what's wrong with their own and I was thinking that maybe some of these individuals would benefit from me uploading my save.

I have created 3 tactics that pretty much work without me having to do much, if anything during a game. Needless to say I don't really enjoy this save anymore as it's really too easy. I thought it could benefit a few people if they could look at the tactics and watch a full or half of a game. They'll hopefully be able to understand what my players are doing in accordance to my Ti'S?/Pi's and be able to have an idea of what to do with their own tactics to help them perform better.

Please note that for some reason my regen faces have just disappeared form their profiles so don't worry about your own game. I should probably post that in the bugs forum but oh well...

If you want me to post my game here just reply.:)

EDIT:I should probably mention that this save is on FM 15 so you'll have to have it to play my save

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You can't upload on these forums. What you can do is host it on a safe site and provide a download link to it. If you choose to do so, you will need an accompanying post that will provide some context and overview and what you think people should be getting out of it and so forth.

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I assume this is right at least,

So if you are interested in having people look at it, comment on it, learn from it, whatever, you should make some sort of post explaining your purposes, aims, goals, thinking and such.

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I thought I did that in the OP. I thought that because the tactics I have created allow me to almost win every game without having to do much, if anything, it would allow newer players or players that don't really understand their own tactics to examine and watch how mine works. This would enable then to hopefully see how the tactics are working, and apply the knowledge they have gained to help them in their own save.

Alternatively, they could just play my save and continue my success, if they want to.

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Haha it was a bit pointless me doing this wasn't it?

Well you've given no one any compelling reason to look at your save outside of "I did really well and maybe you can learn something from it." If you do want people to play it and help out, you need, as I said, to put up a detailed post about what you did, why you think it works, things you want people to specifically look at and why, formation information, roles/duties etc. It might take a bit of work on your part, but otherwise it is probably not going to generate any interest here.

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