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2 on 2 situations

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So having an issue with my defenders, centre backs to be precise....

Both are set up CD(d)

Team instructions are

Closing down- sometimes

Passing short

Defensive line - high

But it keeps happening, I'm hitting on the break, 2 attackers, 2 defenders. One of the defenders leaves his man to help the other defender so it turns into a situation where two defenders on man with ball, and a free attacker...it ends with a goal...

Just uploading some screenshots now so will add them in here.

Anyone have similar issues?






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If you are asking them to close down, even sometimes, then that's what they'll try and do.

You high line will leave you exposed to counter atacks.

You probably have a number of choices to try and fix the problem but I'd either drop the d-line to slightly higher (easiest option) or tinker with specific man marking if up against two strikers.

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I am not sure how many other shouts you are using, but I saw one that clearly makes no sense to me...."exploit the middle" but you have two wingers bombing down the flanks. Your high line, may leave you open, if your backline has poor anticipation and positioning. The fullback on defend, does he step out to clear the flanks first or the central defender. I would be looking at that as well. You are playing a Targetman system, so balls are naturally going to be played to him.

And looking at Williams' ratings they are way low, so I would be focusing my attention on him, the Central Midfielder on defend and your shouts which make no sense to me.

Just remove the exploit the middle shout, its not needed, and remove the Be more disciplined shout too, you are already playing structured. I would also take off the stick to positions shout as well. At the moment, these shouts are not going to help you. Exploit the middle is the first shout I would remove, so that you get better protection in front of the two central defenders

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I think you ought to look at their decisions and positioning. No matter high your D line your players shouldn't be dragged out of position to mark someone else unless the other guy cant keep up with his own marker in which case you need defenders with high pace and acceleration.

Also that LB could be a bit more tucked in.

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