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Structured/Fluid - Vertical & Horizontal Compactness

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Hi everyone,

When choosing Highly structured/Structured/Flexible/Fluid/Very Fluid how much of an impact does it have on the team's overall vertical and horizontal compactness ?

For some reason in my head a structured team shape meant players closer together in a more "compact unit" where as fluid would lead them to find/create pockets of spaces thus attempting to make the pitch as "big" as possible both vertically and horizontally.

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Team Shape affects vertical space. Mentality affects width.

In more structured systems, players are spread out more. The more Fluid you go, they are closer together.

Have a quick look at the FAQs sticky for some more info.

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Thanks herne79

Id had a look at the FAQ's and the description wasn't sitting right with me.

As a football coach when coaching a team to play in a structured way it comprised of close functioning parts without an over excessive amount of movement as this would leave potential gaps.

When encouraging a more "fluid" approach they would be encouraged to seek out and find space both vertically and horizontally thus increasing the space available.

FM seems to to be the opposite.

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Thanks Analog,

Makes more sense when put that way. Perhaps it's just me but i feel the in-game description could do with refining in relation to this area.

I wasn't aware that horizontal structure was left unaffected by the changes in shape for example.

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Team Shape affects vertical space. Mentality affects width.

In more structured systems, players are spread out more. The more Fluid you go, they are closer together.

Have a quick look at the FAQs sticky for some more info.

Mentality is a framework that broadly affects several factors in the game. In its most simplistic form, without going into the math behind it, on lower mentalities there is a clear distinction between duties so the divergence between groups is greater, hence during transitions they take longer to get up, hence creating what looks like greater vertical space. On higher mentalities they will have the same numerical value for mentality.

The game was a lot more complicated prior to 2012, there were few linkages between the different elements of the game. People had to choose from a whole list of things, and for the majority of people it was well nigh impossible. In fact, I ended up creating templates for people to be able to play the different styles they wanted based on those elements. And this became the precursor to the Tactical Creator. Today the TC is meant to make it easier for people to get the style they want.. On lower mentalities we make the width smaller, and reduce passing directness, on higher mentalities we increase width and passing directness.

So Mentality in itself is not a determinant for width, you can change width in a game and not affect mentality, and you can increase mentality in a game and physically change width. So while they have a linkage in the game its just meant to make it easier for people.

@hoopo1982, well you would have probably gotten more confused in 2012, then cause Shape was called Philosophy back then. Shape in itself is just how the tactical creator distributes mentality across a team. On more structured systems there is a clear distinction in duties for players and for that to be replicated in the game, they can't share the same mentality. Just remember that mentality is simply about risk, and shape is simply about duty distinction.

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