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Set Pieces

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I'm beginning to lose the plot guys.

I can't understand for the life of me a few things;

1. Why my attacking players react so slowly to losing the ball after taking a corner/free-kick and the opposition manage to counter attack with little/no resistance.

2. Why my players feel the need to return to their position during an opposition counter attack, leaving players free to waltz right past them. (e.g. my ML takes a free kick wide right, opposition defence intercepts and begins a counter attack down their left (my right). My ML somehow doesn't see this attack and runs across the field back to our left flank, leaving their player to run freely down our right side).

3. Why my players are always being aggressively marked during attacking throw-ins, don't move to find space, and end up giving the ball away. Yet I can't replicate this? There is no defensive throw-in option on the set pieces menu so how do the AI manage it and I don't?

4. Why my back line is positioned so poorly during attacking throw-ins. (e.g. during an attacking throw-in on the left flank, I have my DCl, DCr and DR instructed to stay back. Why does the AI swap my less-defensive-minded DR and DCl around, leaving us open to potential counter attacks??).

5. And lastly - why the hell is my defence positioned so terribly during a defensive free-kick???

Does anyone experience these? If so, how is it overcome? I've searched tirelessly for answers and found nothing.

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Welcome to the forum.

If you can't understand things, how do you expect us to know when you haven't provided any details of your tactical or set piece set ups? :brock:

And as a family forum, please don't use language that may offend.

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Welcome to the forum.

If you can't understand things, how do you expect us to know when you haven't provided any details of your tactical or set piece set ups? :brock:

And as a family forum, please don't use language that may offend.

Firstly, thank you for the welcome. I'm surprised I managed to remember my username and password from 2012 and equally surprised that I haven't yet posted anything.

Also, apologies for the language.

Down to business though, below are my set piece instructions;

Defending corner - same from both sides

Attacking corner - same from both sides

Defending free kick - same from both sides

Attacking free kick - same from both sides

Attacking throw-in - same from both sides

If you think the issues in the original post may be tactical, I am open to ideas on how I can prevent them.

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