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Making things a little easier


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I'd love to see some little things added that make it easier and quicker to do things....

  1. Templates for contracts. I am sure every club has them but a basic contract offer based on the squad status you are offering. Similar i guess to the old "previous negotiation" option but a button to allow you to default, initially, to a pre-set contract offer. Naturally you might alter this up/down depending on the situation but if, like me, you have an ideal set wage, add-ons, clauses etc. then this would make it a lot faster to undertake - i.e. if you are offering terms to a whole u18's team for example or if the agent intentionally leaves the screen blank!
  2. Templates for scout assignments - I always use the same brief irrespective of who is being sent or where they are going. Setting this as a default would save time too!
  3. A marker against regions if a scout has already been assigned (so that when you go to assign a new region its obvious which ones are yet to be scouted)
  4. An option to have scout reports come as an email or for you to review later


  • Having a report on one player is useful and they are certainly better than they were but... perhaps they could compare the scouted player against others being scouted? The report could focus on whether you consider them to be right now or for the future. And finally perhaps monthly scout reports could be compiled by you CS or DoF into more of a report - top 5 recommendations by position, The right now signing vs. a signing that needs developing... I am sure there are loads of other things...
  • The ability to edit the player history screen - Ideally you'd enable us to remove lines from the history page - i.e. get rid of those lines of 0's when a player gets moved to a reserve team (for example) but being able to edit the other data would be equally as appreciated






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