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Person Snapshot Club Overview


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I'm currently editing the club overview page and I'm trying to get the player names to appear in the with the first and last name on two separate lines. How would I code this? I have tried looking for other examples but can't find any.



Alternatively, if this is not possible I would like the player names to appear in the format W.Rooney instead of Wayne Rooney. I'm assuming I change the id in <widget class="person_button" id="perM" font="fonts/letterpressed" alignment="top"> to something else but I'm not sure what the id should be. 

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3 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

The first may come down to multiline="true" in a smaller container depending on the the panel you want it in.


The second shortening i dont thin k can be done, it was asked for previously wiithout success

Thanks for the reply. :)

The panel I'm putting it in is attached (I thought that would be better than copying and pasting it into a post). Where exactly would I add the new container? I don't really know anything about CSS, I've just managed to edit the club overview screen to my liking through trial and error, so apologies if this is a basic question.

person snapshot club overview1.xml

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