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Like people didnt know it had happened till he posted it?


England won the world cup (that ones for Davie as he is an old Coot)w.w.w.ha.ha.ha.at.at.at


posting seer nothingness to get it posted.

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Absolute Tosh,

He posted the results of his drugs test! That was positive!

That wasnt the drugs test daft old man, it was the pregnancy test your old lady took after seeing me ;)

And why would anyone want to swap accounts with me? Ive got 12,000 drivel posts.

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Powlay doesn't post he lurks waiting for opportunities like the like guy with the Harry news. :D

TBF considering the amount of times ive played FMO in the last 5 years i think i do well to actually know where this place still is and who some of the people are in it.

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This forum has hardly got any post on it has online be destroyed jokes im sure it will be full on full release.

you on school holiday deano or you looking after the kids pmsl.

always this way just before the release of a new game.

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How very dare them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… quick someone get an Advert up…….either that or it’s a franchise now!

”The Original Spanish Inquisition” and still the Best!

More organised than me anyway I just downloaded the Demo………just wanting to see if six players can still get injured in the one week and take a peek…. Have to say the poor thing is getting slated on a few forums

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Dont he'll close it........Bit sad to come on and see Andy H last post on 90% of the threads all the same.

Had a Security Guard at one of the sites I worked at move six cars in an empty car park as we were not in our right bays…..thats all fine but the staff that worked in the Council building were 90% on Holiday…the place was empty.

Same guy wanted us to move 400 Pc base units to the top floor and the place had no lift working so as we could then bring them back down to the other floors just because he had been told the machine were to go there… hence he got a call from the Head of the Buildings IT to let us get on with it and stay out our way………

Its ok we took the pish out him for the next week, using the set bays but parking the wrong cars in them………he actually had a wee clip board but gave up….

No offence as Andy I’m sure does a sterling job.

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Sav mate, your right it is sad that I am posting in 90% of the threads in this forum but when you have a few guidelines in place to make the forum a better and tidier place and most people just seem to ignore them what am I meant to do?

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As said no offence intended as I’ve been on Forums of old that were great till a small group more or less spammed it day and night and instead of getting any info out of the site all you got was multiple threads of drivel to the extent the first few pages were all spam when you opened it up….

It’s not the fact your posting in 90% it’s the fact you’re the last post in 90% on after the lock is in place. Thing is you should have spread the love as it were and got old Golders to close a few to take the spot light off your good self

Rules are rules……but a blind eye helps with a quiet word………..from time to time….the Bandwidth thread I’d have certainly credit you for pointing the right direction but would have still let it fly….reading and following guides is fine but sometimes members just like a wee chat……….harmless in a time of certain quietness on the boards.

When the game kicks off it should return to order………..and there was me about to post the thread “does Stabwest being Ginger help online games?”

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Nah Andy you do a sterling job mate keep it up

That is highly debatable, this section of SI forum is the worst section by a mile, AndyH has alot to do with that.

It doesnt help when all the wanna be mods kiss his arse either in the hope they one day they themseleves can achieve greatness and become a moderator!

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Thats funny I have never ever seen you post in this forum till now but I am sure you have plenty of evidence to back up your claims that I have a lot to do with this forum being the worst section on the SI forums.

Keep up with your personal attack on me by all means but I will be getting others involved if it does not stop.

You know absolutely nothing about me or how this forum is run. If you do not like the way this forum is ran then just do not post, it's quite simple.

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Thats funny I have never ever seen you post in this forum till now but I am sure you have plenty of evidence to back up your claims that I have a lot to do with this forum being the worst section on the SI forums.

Keep up with your personal attack on me by all means but I will be getting others involved if it does not stop.

You know absolutely nothing about me or how this forum is run. If you do not like the way this forum is ran then just do not post, it's quite simple.

I wonder why i never post anything in this section, oh yes that's right because you lock everything. And what more evidence do you need that this is the poorest section on the forum? Have you not seen the entire screen of nothing but closed threads? Do you see any other areas on the forum where this is the case?

As for getting others involved i urge you to do it because something has to change about the online section on this forum, that's for sure and if it needs to be taken to a higher power i am all for it.

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Well tbh dealing with Andy H or dealing with Goldy i know which one I choose ;).

I only post in the FMO part of the forum as I have built up rapport with the members of the community here through playing FMO. I would much rather have an organised structured forum like Andy and the Gold one keep then a mass of threads like ne1 wnt a gme now im man utd email@unlimitedspam.com. Whether you disagree or agree with how the forum is kept its still no reason to personally make threads about Andy. You can always send an email or pm a mod to discuss it.

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I wonder why i never post anything in this section, oh yes that's right because you lock everything. And what more evidence do you need that this is the poorest section on the forum? Have you not seen the entire screen of nothing but closed threads? Do you see any other areas on the forum where this is the case?

As for getting others involved i urge you to do it because something has to change about the online section on this forum, that's for sure and if it needs to be taken to a higher power i am all for it.

What really makes these forums worse is people who get off by giving personal abuse towards moderators or other forum users, these however are my favourite type of users.

Abuse, bullying or anything of that sort is not wanted on these boards and persons doing it will get infractions/banned and even reported to their ISP.

This forum has a set of guidelines and rules, which are fairly simple and used by members who come regularly to this forum, obviously as its so bad they come back and create clans and post updates, which it appears is also something your trying to do too!

There are always times that someone will "speak-out" so to say, because things are not going his way or he just cannot go about things in the right way as they like to skip some stages and want everything immediately and the whole attention for themselves.

I would recommend if you are wanting to continue to use the FMO Forum then your style of posting within this forum is going to have to change, otherwise, I will personally make sure it will not be seen in this forum.

If the "abuse" towards Andy H that has been seen across the forum does not come to an end then be assured I will make the relevant changes for it to happen.

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I wonder why i never post anything in this section, oh yes that's right because you lock everything. And what more evidence do you need that this is the poorest section on the forum? Have you not seen the entire screen of nothing but closed threads? Do you see any other areas on the forum where this is the case?

As for getting others involved i urge you to do it because something has to change about the online section on this forum, that's for sure and if it needs to be taken to a higher power i am all for it.

No I was actually talking about getting your posting rights removed as what this is turning out to be is a personal attack on me. As I said before if you don't like the way this forum is run then I suggest you don't post it's quite simple. You are posting nothing constructive how you feel we can make this forum better for everyone but instead we'll attack the mods or in this case me and grab ourselves a bit of attention.

So you would prefer a forum full of topics asking the same help questions over and over again, people posting 'want a game now' threads, IP addresses all over the place, email and msn addresses all over the place? basically no structure to the forum at all?

That's the way this forum used to be and the people at Si were not happy with so mods before me came in and added structure and organisation to the forum to help the forum become better. Myself and Goldy who has been moderator longer than me in this forum have also added to this organisation by having a help thread which can also become a discussion thread as it has been in the past. Having player listings for those after a game in the short term and long term, having a clan advertisements thread for clans after new players.

We have added an FMO basics thread explaining the ins and outs of FM online that has helped people enormously.

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What really makes these forums worse is people who get off by giving personal abuse towards moderators or other forum users, these however are my favourite type of users.

Abuse, bullying or anything of that sort is not wanted on these boards and persons doing it will get infractions/banned and even reported to their ISP.

This forum has a set of guidelines and rules, which are fairly simple and used by members who come regularly to this forum, obviously as its so bad they come back and create clans and post updates, which it appears is also something your trying to do too!

There are always times that someone will "speak-out" so to say, because things are not going his way or he just cannot go about things in the right way as they like to skip some stages and want everything immediately and the whole attention for themselves.

I would recommend if you are wanting to continue to use the FMO Forum then your style of posting within this forum is going to have to change, otherwise, I will personally make sure it will not be seen in this forum.

If the "abuse" towards Andy H that has been seen across the forum does not come to an end then be assured I will make the relevant changes for it to happen.

And i would recommend you keep your threats to youself in future, i have a right to my own say. You say you wont accept bullying or forum attacks? Every legitimate thread Andy closes is an attack on the people who use this forum. By all means close the stupid threads and keep it clean, but that just is not the case. It is impossible to discuss anything about FMO in the FMO section, good threads, good discussions are closed before they can even breath, it is not acceptable.

All i want, and all the users want is for the FMO section to open to it's users instead of the hostile lock fest that it has become, it shouldn't have even come to this.

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watsonclarets: with all due respect, I would recommend not walking into someone elses firefight when the artillery is around. The threads that have been getting closed have been done so for a good reason, we do not want a spammed forum and therefore have supplied threads in which "questions" can be raised and discussed.

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And i would recommend you keep your threats to youself in future, i have a right to my own say. You say you wont accept bullying or forum attacks? Every legitimate thread Andy closes is an attack on the people who use this forum. By all means close the stupid threads and keep it clean, but that just is not the case. It is impossible to discuss anything about FMO in the FMO section, good threads, good discussions are closed before they can even breath, it is not acceptable.

All i want, and all the users want is for the FMO section to open to it's users instead of the hostile lock fest that it has become, it shouldn't have even come to this.

First of all, I dont make threats, I have told you what I will do if things continue the way they are, it is a clear and understandable guideline for your own reference. You can say all you want, however, I also have a right to moderate as I see fit for the relevance of the forums.

We have threads on this forum where questions can be raised and discussed, obviously, by not reading or by ignoring these threads, you have created threads which got closed as a place to discuss these already exist, you even make a thread about bandwith when 2 threads below is one that already got closed, is this logical? No it is not, it just spams the forum.

It is more than possible to discuss FMO matters within FMO, as it appears the thread to "discuss" has over 4000 views and over 600 replies. Let me continue while im on this matter, obviously it does seem quite straight forward to use this FMO forum as you, yourself post in the Clan Advertiser to create your clan, so you have been reading the forum and been following its guidelines, so why do you now go on this personal pursuit of a moderator? All because he closed a thread cos there already exists a thread to discuss FM Online items?

We are actually lucky to have this forum at all, SI GAMES had actually already closed of this forum before a small group of dedicated players brought it to where it is now, a very well run forum within the community, doing more than it actually needs to in supplying help and other topics. Obviously as someone fairly new to the community you do not know about the history of the forum or that we actually dont need to have a discussion thread within this forum, you could be told to just post in the General Questions forum, but this again, is not the case.

It is quite obvious that there are no valid points brought up that evaluate that this forum is poorly run and is indeed very well presented and moderated.

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