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The Central Midfield Conundrum

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My question is simple. I am quite devoted to my 4-1-2-2-1 so usually I use a DLP-D  one BBM and one CM but looking at the players I have does anyone think a dual BBM is a practical choice for player roles. The other roles I usually use will remain intact while I look at the pre season as an experiment.

Just thought I'd see if anyone could see any major problems with switching my CM to a BBM?


cheers in advance




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The problem is you then have two players looking to do the same things. It could work but it risks them getting in the way of each other if they decide to try the same thing, especially if they have the same PPM.  Try to fit your roles to your tactic rather than your roles to your players, obviously there's some flexibility though.

WIthout knowing your full tactic its hard to recommend anything specific.

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Using, a tactic with 3 guys in the midfield, you can afford to have one with attack duty.

Playing with the 41221, i really like the BBM role because he links very well between the defense and the attack, but it's important to have one player to be upfield with your lone striker.

That why, i usually end up with the CM(a)-BBM(s) combo in my midfield strata, having a DM(d) or DPL(d) behind.

Another way, is having a playmaker in the midfield. CM(a) + AP(s), for example.

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Herne you read my mind I was just thinking that we may need to install traffic lights in that part of the pitch.


Thank you for the insights so far I know what to look out for and we'll see how the experiment goes

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There are vehicles on the road every day but they do their best to avoid each other.

Driver, and in this case player awareness or their ability to read the game, can be a problem.

What if all players knew the game, were able to read situations, react to situations, either proactive or reactive... would they need a manager?


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18 hours ago, peterbolam78 said:

I had not considered the risk of them getting in each others ways. I shall keep an eye on that...


My tactic is as below.. the left side BBM is usually a CM

Derby County_  Overview-6.png

Derby County_  Overview-7.png

If your IF wants to cut into the space behind the CF i would suggest the midfielder on that side could be switched to a CM(a) with the PI "Runs wide with ball".

He may drive into the space vacated by the IF

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so thanks for all the advice.. I have switched back to a formation that now looks like 



                                                                          FB-S                          CD-D          CD-D                              FB-A



                                                                          W-A                        BBM-S               CM-S                       IF-A





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dammit i forgot my striker who is now a AF-a


what I hope is my winger runs on and crosses for the AF the in running IF and the onrushing BBM


the full back on the side of the IF I am hoping will get forward to provide width as the IF cuts in


just wondering on any suggestions for a mentality and shape..

am tempted to go standard and structured in the early days 


playing as Swindon in league one

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It doesn't work like that peterbolam78, you need to fit your tactic to your players and how you want them to play.  You may have to compromise what you want, because of what you have.  We can't say "use x, y and z and you'll win".

You will get that movement because of those roles, the question is how risky do you want them to play?  Do you want them to be quick/direct and/or prioritize forward play or be a bit more patient?  Do you want your team to stick to what you've told them or be a bit more free?  How are you going to defend?  With your three "forwards" all on attack duty and in the AM/ST strata how are they going to help defend? If you play Structured so they focus more on the role+duty you've given them, how will that affect them? Does it all fit together logically in one tactic? 

If you think about those things you can then watch the play on the field and use the instructions to get that style.

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On 23/08/2016 at 11:19, hoppo1982 said:

If your IF wants to cut into the space behind the CF i would suggest the midfielder on that side could be switched to a CM(a) with the PI "Runs wide with ball".

He may drive into the space vacated by the IF

That instruction "runs wide with ball" is it still available in the game for centerfield roles?

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