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Aston Villa - Restoring the work ethic and loyality

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Hello. Today I am going to start a new career path with the aim of learning much more about the tactical setup. My last long-term save with Sheffield Wednesday, where I tried to create a possession-oriented style at the club didn't attract much attention and eventually I got a little bit jaded about the save and I moved it away. In the end, I was getting the results I wanted so therefore I didn't feel it was much of a challenge. Not only that I got a big chunk of money in January (around 54m, I didn't update it in the thread), but I was also sitting very close to the European places so I thought it would become too easy for my liking so I was looking at another challenge. This time is Aston Villa.

Aston Villa relegated in the Championship in the first season in one of my saves so I thought it was about time to make the club proud of its history again. I got to admit, Championship is one of my favorite leagues in the game so having a big name in there would be something I would like to take over.


What is my aim

To create a club DNA (that's the first thing I do when I take over a club) and build the squad on that. On long-term, I am looking to bring in players that can help Aston Villa increase its profile in the European competitions and win trophies.

Secondly, I am looking to learn more about the tactical aspects and also inspired about herne's 4-4-2 thread, I am looking to make more analysis by watching games and dissect the football we play, fix things and eventually create a good tactic that can make my players over-perform. 

Thirdly, I am looking to buy players that are mainly transfer listed or are not playing for their clubs that much and make them shine again. Bargains is what I am looking for. Only if needed I will look for players that perform better at their clubs.


The tactic

The club have the same squad as in the first season so I need to off-load a few high earners and bring in the bargains I was talking about. The aim is to stabilize the club financially, while performing on the pitch.

When I think about the club DNA, this time I have picked the high pressing football. It is very attractive to the eye and it can deliver results if played properly. To play it optimally, you need a crop of players that fit the criteria of hard-working and tireless players that are pressing high on the pitch and win the ball back, before launching quick and direct attacks. I have prepared two sort of pressing: high pressing (high block, attacking formation, very aggressive and potentially weak at the back if the players lack the necessary attributes) and a half pitch press. These two will be based on the opposition we meet.

For the high pressing style, I have chosen a 4-2-3-1 formation.

For the half pitch pressing style, I have chosen a 4-4-1-1 formation.


This is the scheme on the paper of how the 4-2-3-1 should work. The 4-4-1-1 is similar just that the AMR/AML are obviously withdrawn in the MC strata.




In the next post, I will make an update about how the tactic look in FM.

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Alright so now that we have in mind an idea how we want to play, let's just decide what roles fit the criteria the best.



*I just noticed that on the left side there's an AP, ignore it, he should be set to IF.

I will go through each position and explain the chosen role.




GK (D) - Just a standard goalkeeper, but if we find a Sweeper Keeper, we might switch to that.

WB (S) - I could have gone with another FB (A), but I decided to experiment with a WB (S) to see how he works compared to his team-mate on the right side.

CB (D) x2 - Standard centrebacks, I just want them to stay in line.

FB (A) - Considering that I have a support duty on the left side, I have decided to go with an attacking fullback here, but also the player I intend to bring in should play with this role/duty.

DLP (D) - The link-up between defence and the attacking strata, he should come deep and get the ball before supplying my AMC/IFs with a short pass. I should consider his duty and might switch to a DLP (S), as he might be too negative, but the pairing with the other CM is still under surveillance.

CM (D) - I wasn't sure if I should go with a CM (D) or a BWM (D) because the Fullback on attack duty might leave the defence a little exposed, but again, I will look how the team moves in-game and then decide what's better.

IF (S) x2 - Two players who should cuts inside and provide goals and assists to the striker. I might give the left IF an attack duty to compliment the WB (S) behind him, but we will see.

AM (S) - His PI is Roam from Position because I want him to be like a Roaming Playmaker, move around the pitch and provide support to his team-mates.

AF (A) - He should push the opponents' defensive line and eventually provide space to the AM (S) to pick an intelligent pass.


The role/duty allocation is still under consideration, we've got to make sure we've got the right distribution of roles that should also fit my criteria of how the players should behave on the pitch.


Mentality - Control, will test it with Attacking if I want more aggressive pressing.

Team Shape - Not quite decided about this, for now I will just pick Flexible so that's it.


I am always open to suggestions/contributions to the community's players so please post if you feel like. :p

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