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I'd love to see a new/revitalised version of the training mode in FM a few versions back where you could make up a whole training schedule in AM/PM slots. I find with the current approach I always leave it on balanced despite there being tons of stuff to focus on. I know it got slated a bit when it was in but I for 1 liked the the individuality and flexibility it gave

For example the general categories in the game right now could act as a quick guide which slots in types of training undertaken (meaning you don't have to go through creating it if you don't want to) and tweaking them would tweak the sub blocks again for speed (i.e. more defending please...) but if you want to you can go in and swap things for that week (or a schedule overall) i.e. if you have a couple of bad weeks where your players don't seem to be doing something well you put more of that in but getting to choose what its at the expense of i.e. defending set pieces rather than penalties or maybe fitness or perhaps that rest period you give them...

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