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Editing attributes / CA


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Was just wondering if I edit a player's attributes without editing his CA, would that mean that the edited attributes would (fast/slowly?) decrease to fit the CA? Because, afaik, the CA "overrides" the attributes, am I right?

And if I edit a players CA (raising it) without editing the attributes, would that lead to a (fast/slow?) increase in the attributes, and if so, which ones? All? Those fit for his positions/roles?

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CA will always be the key, so raising attributes but not CA wil decrease the attributes in a few weeks. Raising CA but no attributes will result in a fast growth of attributes and they are a bit random if you increase CA but the growth will always take the positions and attribute training in account. 

But if you want to know more you should google attributes and CA correlations. Tackling costs more CA for a defender than for a forward etc it is pretty logical and everything up to 6 icost 0 CA,

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