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Coaching Preferences

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Hi all.

Has anyone had any experience with regards to preferred coaching formations, passing style ect. If so I was wondering if anyone would be able to shed any light on how much of an effect these have on the players development. It's my understanding that these somewhat matter for the HOYD, but have never seen anything on the rest of the staff. When hiring staff I look at personality 1st and foremost, but ii would be nice to know if the other aspects are relevant or merely cosmetic

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I can't say for certain what the impact is.  

All I can say is that I only ever look at a member of staff's attributes and personality when deciding whether to employ them (well, and their wages!).  Not once have I considered their favourite formation, style, or anything else for that matter and my players develop just fine.  

If there is an impact, my opinion is that it is negligible to the point of being irrelevant.  Happy to be proven wrong and learn something new :).

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The formation the staff has influence the positions that get brought into the club, especially the HOYD, his is much more important. If you have a HOYD who has 3-5-2 as his formation then you're less likely to see fullbacks and AML/AMR's on intake day. So they're much more than cosmetic. The passing style etc doesn't matter though just personality and the formation. This is why long-term you should ideally hire like minded staff. 

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My U19 manager has 4213 wide (2 DMs and 1 MC) as preferred formation and my Reserves manager 442. Needless to say the one youth player I have that can only play AMC hasn't started a game yet in January, only sub appearances.

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6 hours ago, Cleon said:

The formation the staff has influence the positions that get brought into the club, especially the HOYD, his is much more important. If you have a HOYD who has 3-5-2 as his formation then you're less likely to see fullbacks and AML/AMR's on intake day. So they're much more than cosmetic. The passing style etc doesn't matter though just personality and the formation. This is why long-term you should ideally hire like minded staff. 

What is best personality for the person who brings in youth players?

My Ajax man has great stats for HOYD, also my preferred formation, though not playing style (he is Cautious), but only Determined personality. He wasn't great re. what he brought in.

I switched to Overmars, Professional, again not impressed.

Am I right in thinking "Ambitious" is a key trait?

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HOYD personality can influence the personality of newgen youngsters.  Therefore an HOYD with high levels of professionalism can be advantageous as high professionalism youngsters train better.  Some Ambition doesn't hurt as well if you can get it, but personality traits such as Model Professional, Resolute, Professional, Spirited and so on are good ones.

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