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  • Quick play mode -  kind of like kick off in FIFA, where you can load up as any team and play a one off game against any team. This is because sometimes I don't have time for more than 1 game that day and would rather play a casual game where I can experiment with different tactics and teams, rather than loading up my current save which has a massively important next game. This could be available offline or online. 
  • Decision to shake or not shake a managers hand - Doesn't have to be too much more than something that comes up saying "Manchester United manager walks over to you, he wishes to shake your hand..." Then two options, of "Shake hand or refuse". If they added that before and after each game it would be excellent, especially if you have an ongoing rivalry with a manager and the commentary team and the press mention the lack of hand shake. They could also wrote into the game that a manager decides not to come over to you to shake your hand after the end of the game after being unhappy with either yourself or your team and instead walks straight down the tunnel you have respond to it in the post match press conference.
  • Contest decision with fourth official - A button which pops up every time you're in a highlight and a decision (whether it would be a freekick, corner, yellow card, etc) is given against your team, and if clicked means your manager has a word with the fourth official about that decision. You click the button and get an option of the emotion you wish to express when speaking to the official 'Aggressive, assertive, calm, passionate, etc' and it if you choose to talk aggressively to the official too many times it could lead to you being  sent off or retrospective action, etc. 
  • In and out of possession tactics - On the normal tactics page, there could be a little tab for in and out of possession, where you can edit each one depending on what you want and it does not effect the other one (Obviously within reason, you cant have your ST in possession playing up front but out of possession playing CB, maybe limit it to being able to move one positions either way - ST to CAM, LWB to LB, RW to RM, etc). Take Tottenham for example - When in possession, Dier drops in between the CB's to dictate the play, however when out of possession he moves back into midfield to help make a solid 2 banks of 4. In possession, Walker and Rose play very high up the pitch, almost as wingers but out of possession they move back to RB and LB.
  • Pre transfer window meeting with board and scouts - 2 weeks before the transfer window opens you are called into a meeting with the board and your scouting team to discuss your transfer targets for the season. You could have the choice of specifically naming players you plan to target or you could just say "I need a player from England who is Under 21 for less than £14m" or you could choose a position and say what type of squad role the type of player you are looking for would be. In this meeting you would be told your transfer budget, etc and from there you can discuss whether you have the necessary transfer funds and wages, you could assign specific scouting tasks to scouts and ask the chairman to try and sign a specific player for you during the window. This would mean you would have a more organised transfer window, with everyone who plays a part in it, knowing what you wish to get out of the window. 
  • Improved player/chairman/press dialogue - You should have to pick which emotion you wish to express first, lets say I click calm, then 4 options are available which are all calm but if I pick aggressive then there are 4 different options available which would reflect my aggressive approach to the conversation. I have never really understood aggressively telling a player he's been in good form lately!
  • Player interviews - Whether it be pre match, post match, random interview throughout the season or interviews when away on international duty, there should be more interviews with players. Even if it be light hearted ones such as "Harry Kane reveals Hugo Lloris to be the funniest member in the Tottenham team" or more important ones such as "Harry Kane reveals plans to play in Spain in the future". And then you could interact with the player if necessary (tell him to watch his future conduct in interviews, etc) and be questioned by the media on the interview.
  • More agent interaction - Just look at Yaya's agent! They could come out and do interviews after a bid is rejected for them, saying their client doesn't want to stay or that they're happy to stay, or that they want a new deal and then you'd be asked to respond to the agent by the media. In my staff meetings I always get staff telling me "Erik Lamela is interested in signing a new contract" yet if I do nothing there is no consequences, maybe if you don't offer the player a deal after a long period of time or speak to them about how they will get one in the future then the agent goes to the media saying the player would love to sign a new deal, putting pressure on you to do it. 
  • New contract interviews - Right now all you get when a player signs a new contract is a message in your inbox then one question in the next pre match press conference, that should remain, however you should be able to call a press conference specifically about the players new contract where you are only asked questions about that, by the clubs social media team and the player gives an interview too, just like in real life. 
  • Weekly/Monthly training meetings - You should have a meeting with your staff at the start of every week or month (you decide in the staff responsibilities page) about what each day will specifically include, for the upcoming week/month (whatever you choose). You could have 5 slots throughout the day and be able to go as deep as assigning each category (goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, strikers) to do specific things each day as well as whole squad actions.  E.g. Monday (day after game) will be rest day for the whole squad all day. Tuesday Goalkeepers will work on their handling, defenders will work on their heading, midfielders will work on their passing and strikers on their finishing for the first 4 slots but the final slot on Tuesdays training will be a whole squad match. Wednesday the first slot will be gym work, then slot 2, 3 and 4 will be the whole team working on tactics for the upcoming game and then slot 5, finish with a whole squad match. Thursday slot 1 and 2 are gym work, 3 and 4 fitness and then 5 is empty, giving the players an early leave. Friday you leave slots 1 and 2 empty but 3 is whole team working on their passes, 4 is tactics and 5 is working on the teams fitness because you only want a light training before your next game. This enables you to specifically make sure your team is working on what they need to improve on whilst making sure they get the necessary rest to be fit for the next game. At the start of the training meetings there should be the report of how training went for the period of time you organised last time (either last week or last month); who has been working the hardest, who needs to work harder, who has been been staying after training putting in the extra work, how the group reacted to each day (they may prefer the whole team days rather than the days where they are apart), and whether the staff believe aqueduct rest time was given or whether there was not enough time focused on the tactics or fitness, etc. When the first team come back from their holidays after the summer, there should be a pre season training meeting where you organise all of the stuff mentioned above for the whole of pre season, so your team is ready for the start of the season, then a week before the season starts should be the start of the weekly/monthly meetings. 
  • Pre season individual player meetings - At the start of the pre season you could sit down with each individual player and tell them how you felt their performances were last season, how they can improve, what their squad role is likely to be this season and where their future lies (transfer list, loan, release), it would give players a chance to say "I wasn't happy I only featured 3 times in the league last season, I need more playing time otherwise I may have to think about leaving." Then you can discuss whether its best they leave or not, if so whether it be on loan or transfer list or what they have to do to get in the team. A young player may come back from young with an 8.20 average rating and you can tell him that he is part of your plans this year so you wont be loaning him out or you could tell him he will only be loaned out if he is guaranteed a Key Player squad role at that team!
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I've seen in the new teaser players will walk on the pitch before a game start. I am thinking it will be nice too see manager walk around his box and when I instruct a team shout, he will call the nearest player come over or shout and wave his arms to demonstrate. Hug the player after been substituted or the player is not happy and go straight to change room.

In fm16 when we create a new game we can design our hairstyle and dress up, we may should able to design how we celebrate or give pressure to ref as well, like Klopp style or Van Gaal style, and maybe change hair style and cloth during the game? Sometime I wish to change my appearance after a heavy loss ;)

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