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Looking for FM09 Tactical Information

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I've gone back to FM09 recently. It was the first FM I ever played and it will forever hold a place in my heart.  And as the title says I'm looking for some info on the tactical system, specifically, how to translate some of the newer tactical/positional options into FM09.

For example, how does one create an Inside Forward position? Is it simply a case of putting a left footer on the right wing and telling him to cross less often?
Likewise for Deep-Lying Forward - all I can think of is making his 'Mentality' less attacking and telling him not to make many forward runs.
Would an Inverted Wingback even be possible on FM09?

I'd appreciate any nuggets of wisdom you could spare, or if any of you know of a guide somewhere that'd be helpful too.

Also, if any of you remember, there are positions on the FM09 formation screen BELOW the fullback position, just like a sweeper is below a centre-back. But there are no players who play such a position. Any ideas?

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Check the Important Links sticky at the top of this forum.  There are links in there to old threads and guides from previous versions of FM.  Not sure how much there is in there, but might be a good starting point if you root around enough.

Oh and the Inverted Wingback doesn't exactly work in FM16, so good luck getting it into FM09 :D.

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