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FM16's Popular and Useful Threads

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In this sticky we list the popular and useful threads from previous editions of FM.  Most are still well worth a read btw!

With FM17 on the horizon, I'll update that sticky with similar threads from FM16 so I'd like your nominations please.  I won't remember all of them and could easily forget some good ones.

I'll caveat it a little by saying any threads need to have been about tactical discussion which many people found useful and interesting.

There's also no need to put forward any threads that have already been stickied.

To kick things off, pretty much anything written by Ozil, Cleon and Rashidi, and my 442 development thread.

Please chip in :).

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Quite amusing as I was looking for this "useful threads" list the other day as I was seeking inspiration for a save...which lead my thinking to SFraser's threads and me starting a Man Utd save.

Which then made me think of the 2007-2009 Man Utd side which then made me think of your 4-4-2 thread.


I take it you don't want the threads mentioned in the tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here thread?

So the two I've read (relatively) recently that I've found to channel my mind in the right direction are:




These two threads ask the question "what do I want?" and then explain how they're trying to get there. 

My biggest problem is answering the "what do I want" :p but these two threads were well written and show the thought process very well and got me started on trying to build a "philosophy" based on the aforementioned Man Utd team.


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