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CMO Announcement 11


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A really like the idea of drop in games gives a chance to try out players and gives players the chance to try out online games and wot suits them.

I'd be happy to stick my name down as a host or a stand by host for emergancy if someone cant make it.

Also any updates to the euro2004 game ?

How'd it go and wot were the final standings ?

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The only thing that I think is a must-have with drop-in games is to have a representative from each recognized clan. What happened with this last one was that the good players got chatting with people who run established clans and now they're in the clans. That seemed like a good thing and I think that there are 2 main important things for the drop-out games:

1.) To learn how to play 'socially'

2.) To get to know some people from the CMO community.

This way, the good players will be able to get into good clans, which is only fair icon_smile.gif

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I think it would be nice to keep the drop-in thread open for reactions. This doesn't need to be an applications thread, but I think the way to the game is too big for online newbies. Some advertise, questions regarding the game etc. would give a bigger result (more people showing up) I think. Just thoughts though.

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well actually after some feedback from others on the forum, i've decided that each clan is allowed one dedicated applications thread. This will leave the proper thread open to updates and banter only, with the application thread open to the host admin and search duties icon_smile.gif

With hindsight i believe that the above is a better course of action to what i had thought previously. It will mean that the clan update threads will provide better reading. Clan bosses will be responsible for the overall upkeep of their thread. I do not want to see any would be applicants on the offical thread but on the clan annex thread instead.

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