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[Suggestion] A 'Track Progress' Option - Idea


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'Track Progress'

  • Aim: To allow users to track and monitor a players improvement or decline. 
  • This would be specifically useful for monitoring upcoming youth players or allowing you to judge if your 32 year old centre back will be able to cut it over the coming season.

Idea behind it:-

I personally love reading through career stories on this forum. I have never previously posted on the forum but been reading through career updates for as long as I can remember. One of the key things I love to see through see stories and through my own saves is youth development. With this process playing such a large part in the game I feel more options to truly monitor it should be included within the game. In any of the career updates you see (based on youth development) managers will show the profile screen of Player X's stats from the beginning of the 16/17 season and then another screenshot of his stats from the beginning of the 17/18 season. This allows the user to have a clear side by side comparison showing the development of that players attributes, personality etc. This got me thinking that a feature that supports this within the game would be hugely beneficial. I'm aware you can look at individual stats and see their progress on a chart, however I struggle to connect with this and feel I appreciate a players development much more when I can see the players stats from 16/17 to 17/18 side by side. 



To implement this idea a further tab could be added to the 'Development' Tab. A simple drop down menu titled 'Track Progress' would bring the user to select a time period for tracking, be it every 3,6,9,12 months. The game would then essentially 'screenshot' the players information on that date, and then automatically do the same over the time frame selected.

The user could then select a 'View Progress Report' option and select through the various screenshots of the players attributes over the selected time period. A simple way would be for the game to take screenshots, pre, mid and post season. 

This would allow the user to closely monitor the development or decline of a player and have a visual side by side comparison tool within the game rather than taking screenshots out width the game and storing them elsewhere. 

An example would be a youth player you are keen to develop. On the profile tab you would select the 'Track Progress' option and set the time frame to monitor his progression. This would then give you side by side screenshots (much like most career updates do to show player progression).  You see over the course of the time frame his stats increase slowly/quickly, or fail to improve. This gives the user a clear comparison which may ultimately assist in helping decide the future of the player. 

I am keen to hear others opinions on this matter.





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I like this. However I'd like to see it made as part of the scout or coach reports (depending on where the player is) so that while you still get your snapshot of stats, but the scout/coach gives you his feedback on changes in the player between the current report and the previous report. The coach/scout will also then give a summary of the player on their finding across all reports. This way you build up a narrative of the player through the eyes of one of your staff.

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